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YSU vs James Madison for the National Championship

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--- Quote from: DavedS on December 19, 2016, 10:58:21 AM ---I'm sure JMU does have a lot of class fans Dirty--welcome back to the board!

--- End quote ---

Thanks DavedS - any idea how you guys are doing on ticket sales?  Lots of haters on AGS saying the stadium will be half empty.  I know we sold out our allotment in 2 days and are trying to find more - I've had tons of casual fans reach out to me trying to find tickets.


--- Quote from: dirtydukes on December 19, 2016, 10:32:36 AM ---Hey guys,

Funny that I still remembered my password from this site back in 2006. 

Congrats on an amazing win (what a f***ing catch) and looking forward to talking some football in the next few weeks.  Before you think I'm a troll the Dirty in my username comes from being a lifelong Falcons fan growing up in GA - so it's Dirty South.  Regardless, we've got an amazing team and we're very confident, something I gather you all are as well - deservedly so. 

I'll be watching some video of you all the next few weeks but in the meantime, what are your strengths?  I saw some generalized stats for stuff on our boards but I know you guys are a team that has come together in the later part of the season. 

To me the biggest matchup will be our O-Line versus your D-Line.  I'm looking forward to the battle of your Passing O versus our Passing D as well. 

I was one of the students in the stands in 06, and while that loss was brutal for us, most JMU fans respect YSU's history.  Glad to see you all making a resurgence. 

Cheers, Dirty

--- End quote ---

If you watch video of our offense, throw out anything from the first half of the season. It's changed a lot since #6 took over at QB. Welcome to the board.


--- Quote from: HappyPenguin on December 19, 2016, 11:20:32 AM ---
--- Quote from: dirtydukes on December 19, 2016, 10:32:36 AM ---Hey guys,

Funny that I still remembered my password from this site back in 2006. 

Congrats on an amazing win (what a f***ing catch) and looking forward to talking some football in the next few weeks.  Before you think I'm a troll the Dirty in my username comes from being a lifelong Falcons fan growing up in GA - so it's Dirty South.  Regardless, we've got an amazing team and we're very confident, something I gather you all are as well - deservedly so. 

I'll be watching some video of you all the next few weeks but in the meantime, what are your strengths?  I saw some generalized stats for stuff on our boards but I know you guys are a team that has come together in the later part of the season. 

To me the biggest matchup will be our O-Line versus your D-Line.  I'm looking forward to the battle of your Passing O versus our Passing D as well. 

I was one of the students in the stands in 06, and while that loss was brutal for us, most JMU fans respect YSU's history.  Glad to see you all making a resurgence. 

Cheers, Dirty

--- End quote ---

If you watch video of our offense, throw out anything from the first half of the season. It's changed a lot since #6 took over at QB. Welcome to the board.

--- End quote ---

Thanks for the tip - is there a specific game where you guys feel you turned the corner?  Would love to start watching there.

go guins:
For my money Missouri State Nov. 19th.  They didn't put up much of a fight, but it allowed us to "practice" with a real team on the field and we seemed to "settle in" with Hunter at QB.

In case anybody is getting all excited about going to Frisco after the Ice Castle and the "Inferno", please note the current temp. in Frisco now is 16!!

Thanks Go Guins.  How does your DLine look?  I think our OLine versus your DLine will be the deciding factor. Thanks so much,



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