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YSU vs James Madison for the National Championship

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Joe Bernastat:
Let me guess....another disgruntled Notre Shame fan that only gets satisfaction when Ohio State fails on the biggest of stages, because Notre Lame has become totally irrelevant and a complete shatshow. 


--- Quote from: Joe Bernastat on January 01, 2017, 05:36:38 PM ---Let me guess....another disgruntled Notre Shame fan that only gets satisfaction when Ohio State fails on the biggest of stages, because Notre Lame has become totally irrelevant and a complete shatshow.

--- End quote ---
YSU has been and always will be my team. OSU is undeniably a better program than ND. However I was content with Clemson's win as now the focus will be entirely on YSU and because I personally felt as though Penn State deserved to be in over OSU based on their Big Ten title and win over OSU.

I thought 3 weeks was a long wait, but time marches on quickly. The championship game is just around the corner. The excitement will be starting Wednesday when the team flies to Plano, Texas.
I envy all you going to the game, I have been at the 91 and 93 games and those were great!

To the gang going:



The YO Show:
Officially game week, I'm going and I can't wait!

This thread is getting long and hard to navigate.  Should we start a separate "Game Week" thread or just continue to post our thoughts here?


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