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sideline antics

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Bo is like the character on the Bourne movie series.  When he sees a ref some circuits in his brain get connected and he turns into a rabid animal.

Coming from an NU fan here, I've never understood why people get worked up by Bo's sideline behavior. 1)  He doesn't say or do anything a large portion of coaches do and 2) He's a football coach. Essentially the drill sergeant of college athletics. Bottom line is Bo is a great dude, great family man and a guy who gets kids to do things in the classroom. I hope YSU fans appreciate him more than NU fans did.

I am happy he is here


--- Quote from: NEDOC on December 17, 2016, 08:47:59 AM ---Coming from an NU fan here, I've never understood why people get worked up by Bo's sideline behavior. 1)  He doesn't say or do anything a large portion of coaches do and 2) He's a football coach. Essentially the drill sergeant of college athletics. Bottom line is Bo is a great dude, great family man and a guy who gets kids to do things in the classroom. I hope YSU fans appreciate him more than NU fans did.

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go guins:

--- Quote from: EaglesOwntheSky on December 16, 2016, 06:15:05 PM ---
--- Quote from: ysubigred on December 16, 2016, 09:46:04 AM ---#hollysh** you guys talking sh** to a bunch of lefty liberals from the left coast in their safe spaces trolling  :o

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I think it's hilarious that I'm an apparent safe spacer, but nobody on this forum can handle criticism to their coach.

But hey, sorry to interrupt your safe space with facts.

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Just shut up and enjoy your time in Frisco TX..........OH sorry, you and your overrated D are staying home and WE are going to TX.  Well, too bad for you and your obviously OK team.  No run game and a bad D always show up in big games.  See you in playoffs NEXT year!


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