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sideline antics

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Double ET:

--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on December 16, 2016, 02:57:00 PM ---Thanks to Eastern Washington posters I am no longer pro life.

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Why are we wasting time with this idiot. You guys are playing into his hand. He will continue to do his " hands up don't shoot" routine.


--- Quote from: ucfpengbuck on December 16, 2016, 02:57:00 PM ---Thanks to Eastern Washington posters I am no longer pro life.

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A+ hilarious, this is my favorite post of the thread.  ;D

It would seem that the posters from UNI and NDSU share a gene pool with some of these EWU folks, ( not a compliment in case you were not sure ). I can understand going to another board to trade thoughts and questions, but why go somewhere to get into a pi***** match. 

How about we each just worry about our own coach.


--- Quote from: ysubigred on December 16, 2016, 09:46:04 AM ---#hollysh** you guys talking sh** to a bunch of lefty liberals from the left coast in their safe spaces trolling  :o

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I think it's hilarious that I'm an apparent safe spacer, but nobody on this forum can handle criticism to their coach.

But hey, sorry to interrupt your safe space with facts.

Criticize him all you want--I'm sure he makes more in one year than you will in 10 lifetimes--I'll shed more tears for you than i will for him. 8)


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