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Possible Player Suspensions

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Double ET:
This is reported on the Vindy:

YOUNGSTOWN — Two sources have confirmed to The Vindicator that at least four Youngstown State University football players will be suspended from Saturday's FCS national semifinal game against Eastern Washington for testing positive for an unknown substance.

At least 12 Penguin football players were subjected to routine testing after the Jacksonville State game on Dec. 3.

This is a breaking news story. Watch Vindy.com for updates.

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go guins:
If I said every single high school player and every single college player and every single NFL player uses PED's I'd be closer to the truth than any other comment you will read.  Kid comes out of high school 6-3 230 OT and redshirts a year and is 6-4 320 OL in some 18 months and you think that is natural?  Sorry, no.  But with random testing and pretty much -0- off season, and designer drugs it is rare anybody gets caught.

This is speculation, but I suspect that they did a random after the Jax State game and one of them popped.  Once that happened they tested the rest of the team and got the results the following week (this week).  Now they have a bigger issue in their hands because it wasn't limited to one player.  Makes sense to me because I drug test my employees and that's sort of how it works.  They probably just found out about the other players late yesterday.  They wouldn't have knowingly played them.  Some people need to use their critical thinking skills on here

Penguin Ice:

--- Quote from: go guins on December 12, 2016, 02:48:12 PM ---If I said every single high school player and every single college player and every single NFL player uses PED's I'd be closer to the truth than any other comment you will read.  Kid comes out of high school 6-3 230 OT and redshirts a year and is 6-4 320 OL in some 18 months and you think that is natural?  Sorry, no.  But with random testing and pretty much -0- off season, and designer drugs it is rare anybody gets caught.

--- End quote ---

I agree with you Guin 100%
But they aren't being suspended for PED's

Probably not PEDs, probably Ganja.  Thats what kids this age do.  It is all speculation.


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