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Eastern Washington

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IAA Fan:
If you read this board you would have no idea Eagle ... LOL. We spend too much time arguing and have always felt that we were better than our 3-loss season. Our two coordinators are very good and that is really what makes us tick.

1. We are starting our #4 QB, but it needs to be noted that he (Wells) was a 1.5-year starter and although he has only been playing a few weeks has really started to catch on. Drop-back passer. We have limited depth, although I understand the previous starter for this season could go if needed. Bad concussion, followed but arm/shoulder & then rib injury. #3 QB is out for the season with broken collar (deep includes the clavicle) as I understand we will be lucky to get back  even next year. Frosh has done well also. He led us from behind to a win this year. Wells will work from the gun and go under center.

2. We use a stable of 3 TB's, an FB and a TE that will go into the backfield (as a FB) when our FB drops over/back into the TB slot. Our two main backs are Ruiz and Webb. Kind of a thunder & lightning combo with Ruiz being bigger and Webb being quick. Both also catch the ball well. Ruiz just became our all-time leading rusher 2-weeks ago ...that says a lot when you consider we are a strong run team historically and  have put backs into the NFL. It speaks even more of him to note that he missed and entire season with injury.

3. We have a very large corpse of receivers, but have finally seemed to settle on 2. We are not overly tall yet we still seem to run out patterns.

4. Line is strong and although not 2-deep ...almost. Built more to pass block & make running holes. Very traditional Ohio line play.

5. On defense we have 2 very dynamic ends that can control the game. Both legit NFL prospects & draw lots of scouts.

6. Line play has really improved on D, but Wofford was very challenging for them.

7. LB's have been a bunch of injuries as well, but you should see all 3 starters Saturday.

8. Secondary is a big weakness, but with our pair of "rooks" many QB's find it tough to get the time to go down field, but if you do, you will have success.

9. Special teams have been either horrid or "lights-out" this year. We hope you get to see the latter. It seems one week coverage never leave a lane, the next thing you know it looks like a rugby match. Our top kicker has severe groin pull and the cold really was hard on him yesterday. Back up has a bit less leg, but accurate. He was a barefoot kicker up until this year & the shoe has probably added a good 5-yards to his kick. His dad was also a Penguin kicker and was the last barefoot guy in the NFL, so the back-up has quality breeding. Punter has good height and depth.

Thanks for the rundown! It's more fun to watch when I know where to look, and what to expect! Congrats on your success thus far! I still harbor some ill will towards Jacksonville (for football reasons not anything real lol) glad y'all knocked em out.

Just checked the forecast for next Saturday..Minus(-4) at kickoff  with wind chills around -15.. Any chance there is a dome around there we can play in ?

Watch #20 Webb on both KO return and HB. He's been putting up a nice string of 200+ yard games. If he gets into the open field look out he's got amazing speed.

We've started huddling more and taking snaps under center. We used to exclusively go spread, get to the line quick, and then look to the sideline long enough that a delay of game wasn't out of the question.

Power run has come back in a big way the last half of the regular season. Our passing game was DOA at the time and we wouldn't have won enough to make the dance without it.

Last week we also showed the "diamond" formation out of the pistol with 2 HB and a TE in the backfield. We've historically been a power run team so it's a well received return among the fans.

Our QB has shown tremendous touch on fly patterns the past couple weeks, It may actually be the best pass he throws.

JSU kept stacking the box, and we actually switched it up and took what they were giving us and hit 4 or 5 long balls. We didn't usually do that we love running our smallest HB up the middle into a stacked box no matter how many times we look to the sideline and how obvious it is that an audible should be used. Not to be critical  ::)

Our punt returner #21 is a big threat I would never kick it to him.

On pass plays keep an eye on our 2 DE #9 and #11. If healthy they will wreak havoc. Health has been a concern #9 checked out several times last game with a lingering ankle issue. Both have been nicked up for some time.

We almost always play a cover 2 with the corners up tight on the WR. We don't blitz often but it works a lot of the times. We rely on the front 4 to get home and play coverage. We have 2 Sr at S and teams do not seem to want to test them deep over the middle. Most deep balls are down the sideline against the 1-1 CB

Defense has been our strength, and like our coaches rep we play and hit hard. Our missed tackles have decreased ten fold under the new coaching staff.  D has also shown some new looks in the playoffs not seen during the regular season. I would imagine they will have something new for you. We have good lateral speed so I wouldn't try to run wide a lot.

Oh and we have the sexiest fans in all of FCS, except for IAA Fan

We are similar to NDSU but we run more


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