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Ticket Sales/Attendance ??

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I'd say 10-12k is a good bet. There was a steady line all day long in the ticket office today.

IAA Fan:
I did not get through yesterday. I live out of town. I am going to start calling a bit early here this morning.

Picked up my 4 yesterday. They said ticket sales were steady.

I'd love to see 15-17K there Saturday. Hey, I can dream can't I?


--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on December 05, 2016, 09:22:51 PM ---I'd say 10-12k is a good bet. There was a steady line all day long in the ticket office today.
--- End quote ---

That's probably a good range.  The 2006 playoff game against ILS drew just under 11,000, although it appears the weather may be a bit worse this year.

IAA Fan:
Together, let&#39;s do something special for Youngstown this Saturday! #GoGuins #DefendTheCastle pic.twitter.com/UlzpzI9VtB— Bo Pelini (@BoPelini) December 6, 2016
--- End quote ---

Good 15-seconds and needs to be said.


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