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IAA Fan:
This is a very hot football team and they run the triple. Hard to defend. Look how bad our defense was torched byt a running QB today. He is nothing compared to Wofford's QB. He is really just a running back.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on December 03, 2016, 09:42:56 PM ---This is a very hot football team and they run the triple. Hard to defend. Look how bad our defense was torched byt a running QB today. He is nothing compared to Wofford's QB. He is really just a running back.

--- End quote ---

Wolford has lost their first 3 QB's to injury.  They won with a freshman tonite who came in the third qtr who had attempted 2 passes till tonight.  We should beat this team. 

This shows us hosting for what its worth


Wofford is banged up at the QB position as stated above. Interesting matchup.

For whats its worth, JSU head coach said he thought the 2nd round matchup was more difficult then the 3rd round...


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