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YSU vs JSU Post Game thread.

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What a great morning to be a penguin fan!! I figured we would take what the defense gave us. Obviously their head coach underestimated Wells as a passer and the speed of our receivers. The Samford coach last week thought the exact opposite. Any final 8 team in this bracket has to be respected and we must guard against a letdown after a win of this magnitude and get as healthy as possible. Wofford is down to their 4th quarterback..all were running Qb's that were injured during the course of the season. I'm starting to believe the only team that can beat us is ourselves. How about that huge smile from coach Bo after the game..that doesn't happen to often ☺

Double ET:

--- Quote from: peteonastick on December 04, 2016, 09:00:43 AM ---Does anyone know the condition of the injured player that was targeted by the cheap shot?  It looked pretty serious.

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I read that he was X-rayed and released from the hospital.

I watched the game via ESPN 3 and I noticed they have 3 levels of loge seating (probably totally filled), then the one end zone seating was about 75% filled. My guess; the actual attendance was somewhere between 7,000 to 9,000.

What ever YSU played a fantastic game against a very good running QB and offence. Way to go  YSU!!! 


--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on December 04, 2016, 09:37:50 AM ---What a great morning to be a penguin fan!! I figured we would take what the defense gave us. Obviously their head coach underestimated Wells as a passer and the speed of our receivers. The Samford coach last week thought the exact opposite. Any final 8 team in this bracket has to be respected and we must guard against a letdown after a win of this magnitude and get as healthy as possible. Wofford is down to their 4th quarterback..all were running Qb's that were injured during the course of the season. I'm starting to believe the only team that can beat us is ourselves. How about that huge smile from coach Bo after the game..that doesn't happen to often ☺

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Spot on point.  I came away with the same feeling.  The only team that can beat us right now is ourselves.

Any more info on the injured player?


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