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YSU vs JSU Post Game thread.

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Great game!  Defense was unreal and Wells did what he had to do - not turn it over.  He has a demeanor that is winning us games!  Wofford has no idea what is in store for them!  Pelini has these guys clicking.  Great feeling to be involved with this team!!


Penguinpower, great job in securing that victory.  There is no doubt that your decision to make that drive was the deciding factor.  One question.  The box score says the attendance was over 18k :P  My television screen suggested about 3,000 was more like it.  Your eyewitness judgment please.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on December 03, 2016, 11:54:43 PM ---Penguinpower, great job in securing that victory.  There is no doubt that your decision to make that drive was the deciding factor.  One question.  The box score says the attendance was over 18k :P  My television screen suggested about 3,000 was more like it.  Your eyewitness judgment please.

--- End quote ---

I say they had 3,000 and we had between 150-200.  The annouced attendance was in the 18,200 range. I have really gotten to understand southern culture, I was able to understand the reason why their fans didn't show........mainly the weather.  Since I have acclimated to the weather down here I wear a jacket if it is below 77 degrees.  It was about 52 at game time but it was in the upper 30'so and low 40's all morning and the rain was on the way.  Funny thing is that there were people from Youngstown wearing shorts.....I am not kidding.  Some of our fans were in disbelief that weather was the major factor and I demonstrated by asking the event staff about the turnout and they said the reason was because it was cold and supposed to rain.  Their diehards were disappointed, but I completely understood  it.  Those Temps were downright February-like.

They have a nice fan base, one of the better ones that I've been around.  Their band was simply outstanding.  The best I've seen in the FCS.  There was a ton of hospitality, it was genuine, not the kind where they say "bless your heart" meaning you are a complete idiot.  The campus is small compared to ours and their library is a really nice building that is the tallest building in the area. 

It was an excellent game.  Our kids were tired.  Jax State was extremely athletic and their fans were completely impressed with our team speed.  They also lacked discipline, and their fans didn't like that at all.  Some of their fans were calling out penalties as we sat among them.  It was interesting

By the way, their fans were also calling for the ejection of #17 for targeting too.  They like football there just as we do.  The most similar fan base to ours in that way among any school I've visited.

This game played out the way I thought it would.  They played man coverage because they felt the strength of their team was in the back end of their defense.  Wells picked them apart because play action worked and our receivers were simply faster than their defensive backs.  Wells just laid the ball out there for them to catch.  I didn't expect that we would be that much faster than them.  Their QB was a better running threat than I thought.  We simply couldn't stop them at one point in the 3rd quarter.  The defense played hard and they left it on the field. 

2 things: first, how many positive plays did we have out of the shotgun?  I counted ZERO but may have missed one.  We are simply better playing under center......period.  there was a remarkable difference using play action power offense.  That is what we are built for, don't tell me we are not.  I hate the stupid read option.  We played old school power football and won playing a pro set.

Second,  why don't we have any routes where the receivers come back toward the center of the field?  The post was open all day and we never had routs coming to the post  Why?   We always run routes where the player is moving away from the QB.  I just don't understand it.  Posts and slantsee are easier throws.

Does anyone know the condition of the injured player that was targeted by the cheap shot?  It looked pretty serious.


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