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What Can We Do to Improve Football Attendance?

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We were packing them in in the 90's because we were winning year after year and it was new for us to win. 

Tres came in and changed everything.   

To get back to that we need to start winning for a couple of years and redefine this team.  Won't happen overnight

Mid level football or any mid level college sport,  is a hard sale in any market unless you are the big show in the state. With that said steady winning seasons won't hurt.

Local media does a poor job, YSU should ALWAYS be the lead/main story - period. Leading with a high school story just sends the message that YSU is second rate. 

I agree with the post that suggested that anyone with anything to do with marketing at YSU needs to go. Just not getting the job done, take the money and hire a firm that knows what they are doing.

IAA Fan:
I think JaxSinfonian is correct here ...it is all bid. However, they do take into account attendance on televised games. Also your attendance is part of your bid now. A small college may have the funds to buy a game, but if their opponent has better attendance on a televised game, then they will ask the team with the larger attendance to increase their bid. Also, if there is national television, you need to take into account the ability of a school to support this; size, boxes, lighting etc. You would be surprised, the vast majority of I-AA/FCS schools do not meet these requirements. We just met the national championship-level night broadcast lighting requirements last year.

Take these things into account when you mindlessly attack your administration. It is a complex job and very specialized.

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 27, 2016, 12:56:24 PM ---1. People need to be shamed

--- End quote ---

If you resort to promoting your product by shaming your market, then your product must really suck.

IDK that this is a priority to the University.  As mentioned already, maybe they are content with loge and ad revenue.  Even this could be maximized further.  Construction will begin on the East stands soon.  Seating that is enclosed/partially enclosed could be created and sold for a higher rate.  This could take all forms from simple protection from the elements to larger seats with dedicated restrooms and concessions...much like a club level, but without the tables, couches, and roominess of a loge. 

The obvious: 1) Win.  Winners win.  2)  scheduling teams that fans care about.  IMO, an away MAC game would increase home attendance. It would create buzz and minimize the notion that YSU is sub-MAC.  3)  Involve the students.

It can't just be about FB anymore.  You need the soft fan who just wants to have fun on a Saturday, or the spouse who'd rather be shopping.  You may convert them into fans.  It's about the experience, feelz, and thrills.  You've got to be the best show in town.  If its about sitting in the rain watching a team from the Dakotas than forget it.  You need to go big.  I suggested a jumbo screen for the tOSU/MI game.  Call it the "Biggest Ohio FB tailgate party".  Have notable tOSU alumni there..I suspect JT knows a few.  Have bands perform. Have a MSB reunion concert before the game.  Get local celebrities to talk at halftime.  Make the team entrance more grand.  Raffles.  Prizes.  My wife and I own a biz and we are approached weekly to exchange services to be raffled in exchange for advertising.  It's a win-win for all involved.  As Wick wisely notes, all jobs should have incentive pay.  Any employer that doesn't offer incentive pay deserves poor employee performance.

On social media this morning...days after the game, I still read posts admonishing the local citizenry for not purchasing a product.  It's mental sloth, and frankly, it's going to piss ppl off and drive them away.  Stop feeling entitled to other ppl's time and money.  F'in earn it.

go guins:
I think Nation is 100% correct on this.  If you have to shame someone to come, then the product must suck.  I don't think our product sucks, so it seems like positive reinforcement is a better avenue of approach.   Obviously word of mouth is the best advertising for anything.  First thing is for each of us to  talk it up!  Second is making the product visible.  We have had what 3 games on TV live in the last 5 years?  Anybody think the local media is doing us right on this?  I’ve seen more Maryland high school games broadcast than YSU games!  Tressel and the athletic administration needs to really get to work on this aspect.  Third, we need to keep winning.  Nothing like winning to promote attendance. 


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