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What Can We Do to Improve Football Attendance?

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IAA Fan:
Okay here is a thread for the topic. A few things:

1. People need to be shamed, because if they know they have to come and do not ...then they are ashamed of themselves. Religion, real leaders and other institutions have done it for years.

2. Newspapers deal with the common reality ...HS in the Mahoning and Shenago Valley's is King. HS prep is the glory of so many people in blue collar communities, as they never went to college, so there is no loyalty. All local media has an obligation to treat YSU football as King ...until it is. Just as national media does with civil and social issues ...shove it down people's throats until it becomes a mindset. Then it can be marketed and sold at a profit.

3. I worked in media in my youth and we hated PSA's  takes too much time and money. Now groups like the ASPCA pay TV stations tons of $$$ to show crying dogs while crying Irish females sign background music. Then they all write it off their taxes at a great profit. YSU is no PSA, but it could be and certainly should be treated like one ...by the media being guilted into doing it as well.

Marketing, marketing, marketing.

YSU had the largest attendance out of the 8 games that were played--Thanksgiving week,Ohio State game,cold weather with the possibility of rain,and apathy all played a part in keeping attendance down. >:( :(

Everyone is failing to see one important thing.  The loges were packed and that is where the money is. As well as the die hard fans like us that sat in the stands cheering.  Even with as scarce as it was yesterday the University I can assure didn't lose money even after bidding to host yesterday.

1. I dont believe YSU bids to host. Hosting is now determined by seeding. Back in the 90s that wasnt the case. I could be wrong though.

2. Shaming isnt going to work. People dont have an obligation to support a sports team any more than any other form of entertainment. If they think its worth their while they will show up, if not, no.

3. Sports are becoming like movies. The big time attractions will draw. Smaller attractions wont as much. THere is too much available on TV that the market is saturated. Maybe the bar ought to be lowered. If the crowd yesterday was the best of the 8 games, that says something about the interest in FCS football.

4. THere is a lag effect at work. Interest has been killed. It will take consistent winning to become an attraction. The Indians suffer from a lag too. NExt year will be better for them, but this year they suffered from being mediocre for so long.


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