YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Penguin Game Day: Penguins vs. Bulldogs

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Double ET:

--- Quote from: JP21 on November 28, 2016, 03:46:56 AM ---Do you peoole know anything regarding copyright laws?  You can't use the YSU logo without receiving permission from the university. You can't just use the logo anywhere you feel like and have it be ok because you are a student or whatever.

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I worked for the research department one of the largest corporation in the world for over 30 years before coming to YSU. I have worked on patents for our new products with the legal department for years. While I was there, I also worked with YSU's Vice President of research and the legal department to establish academic partnership to collaborate research between the two organizations. You do not have to tell me about copy rights.
This is an internal use within the organization. Copy right does not apply here. It is all about control.
YSU requires us to use the block Y for our communications with organization outside the university. We were asked to use the official version. Block Y and another logo are both copy rights. We were not asked to seek permissions. Everyone of our students' presentations, research posters and research papers carries the YSU logo on them. Do you really think they have enough manpower to handle the requests? Is this how the department  create life time job guarantees? Their jobs are to sell the products (tickets).

My job is to educate my students and not worrying about my student gives my lecture notes (my intellectual property) to another student without my permissions.
Enough discussions here and I will not address the issue anymore.

Wick hit the nail on the head.  To add to his point big changes are needed over there.  The person I charge is clearly over his head.  Even the selection of advertising agencies has been substandard.  Does anyone ever remember the Mahoning County Green Team commercials?  We they were horrible.  I could make a better commercial from my garage.  Anyhow, in one of the commercials they dressed Mahoning county solid waste employees in some sort of dinosaur costumes in the commercial.  The commercial was so bad that it was embarrassing to some of their employees.  Well, we hire the same agency.   The season ticket commercials are bad too.  You don't play the YSU fight song on a commercial where you are trying to bring in new people. They aren't familiar with it.  You need to appear to the masses.   the whole thing is bad all the way around.

IAA Fan:
I hate to say that the school is correct here, but their logo guidelines are pretty straight forward and no different than any other school. I have to obtain permission to use them and I have to use the correct logos. They retain the right to tell me to stop using them at any time. Colors, size and type are all regulated and/or trademarked. Pete the Penguin is for athletics & not an academic logo ...that is the block "Y", the letters logo, and the actual use the words "Youngstown State University". Even the font and amount of white-space is defined. Pretty common in the marketing world actually. I work in the field.


--- Quote from: penguinpower on November 28, 2016, 07:08:51 AM ---Wick hit the nail on the head.  To add to his point big changes are needed over there.  The person I charge is clearly over his head.  Even the selection of advertising agencies has been substandard.  Does anyone ever remember the Mahoning County Green Team commercials?  We they were horrible.  I could make a better commercial from my garage.  Anyhow, in one of the commercials they dressed Mahoning county solid waste employees in some sort of dinosaur costumes in the commercial.  The commercial was so bad that it was embarrassing to some of their employees.  Well, we hire the same agency.   The season ticket commercials are bad too.  You don't play the YSU fight song on a commercial where you are trying to bring in new people. They aren't familiar with it.  You need to appear to the masses.   the whole thing is bad all the way around.

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The short-lived Youngstown to Chicago flights this past summer, before the issues with the airline were uncovered, had some great locally produced commercials. Palo Creative produced them and they were top notch. They had previously done work at the Pittsburgh airport. They are a local outfit that does very professional work. I only mention it because I was so impressed with how a local firm produced such a quality commercial. We know some of the substandard work a few local outfits do every election season for some candidates.


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