YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Penguin Game Day: Penguins vs. Bulldogs

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Penguin Ice:

--- Quote from: penguinpower on November 27, 2016, 09:01:46 AM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Ice on November 27, 2016, 07:47:42 AM ---I agree with most of your post. I flew 4 hours yesterday morning to make the game and was disappointed in the turnout of the fans. My daughter is getting married next Sunday in South Carolina about 3.5 hours from Jax State. I will drive over to the game on Saturday morning and be back in South Carolina Saturday night.

It did take the Guins about a half to figure out Samford but once they did like you said they opened up a can of whoop :::(. That was some great adjustments by both coordinators.

As for having them score and that's all everyone was talking about. That's not what I heard, I think your nit picking. You need to take into consideration the personal that was on the field. It wasn't the starting D. Rivers barely played in the 4th quarter. They got Wright some valuable playing time going into next week. I take my hat off to Samford for not quitting but I don't think it tarnished the victory in any way.

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I think you have the wrong Jax State.  The one we are playing is in Alabama.  I live in near Hilton Head and it is 5.5 hour for me to drive. They are located East of Birmingham near

It's 3.5 hours from Greenville

--- End quote ---

go guins:
All this shaming of the public for the lack of attendance is in my opinion unfounded.  All of life is marketing.  We have a product and you have failed to sell it to the public.  I'm not sure the reasons, but there is PLENTY of competition for the disposable dollar (good grief, read the adds in the papers all week!)  You don't get somebody to make a major commitment of time and some money by embarrassing or calling them names.  You get them to come by making it attractive and convincing them that would be really enjoyable.  We played on a very cold night following a major holiday.  I left my wife with three grandchildren as my daughter and son-in-law were in Columbus for the "big" game.  What did we do to make this game well aware to people in the valley?  What did we do to make it attractive?  Don't try to shame people, come up with ideas that can be used to compete for the $$


--- Quote from: Penguin Ice on November 27, 2016, 07:47:42 AM ---My daughter is getting married next Sunday in South Carolina about 3.5 hours from Jax State. I will drive over to the game on Saturday morning and be back in South Carolina Saturday night.
--- End quote ---

--- Quote from: penguinpower on November 27, 2016, 09:01:46 AM ---I think you have the wrong Jax State.  The one we are playing is in Alabama.  I live in near Hilton Head and it is 5.5 hour for me to drive. They are located East of Birmingham near Talladega.
--- End quote ---

Jax State fan and Jacksonville resident here. The trip from points west of Greenville can probably be made in 3.5 hours or less. North Augusta could also conceivably be within a 3.5-hour drive, but I'd plan on four. I was just on the Georgia side of the Savannah River for Thanksgiving, and it took about 3 hours, 45 minutes each way.

Safe travels on Saturday, Penguin Ice, and congrats to your daughter. I hope the Gamecocks make the outcome clear by halftime so you can get back early.

Penguin Ice:
Thanks Jaxs.  I hope to be back in Greenville early also with a Guin win well in hand. 🐧

Double ET:
Home town newspapers:

I subscribe to both Youngstown and Warren newspapers.
In today's sport section,:

Youngstown Vindicator: top story on the top of the page: Warren JFK high school won the playoff game. The middle page (3/4 of the page in large print) OSU over Michigan. The bottom of the page: (in small print with less than 1/4 of the page) YSU won the game with one article.

Warren Tribune: top of page (1/3 of page) Warren JFK won playoff game. Center of page (over 1/2 page) YSU won. 2nd page, almost the whole page was on game analysis of the YSU game. A total of 3 articles on the YSU win. A small section on the side of first page on OSU win over Michigan.

So much for hometown coverage by the Vindicator which must believe there are more readers care about OSU then the Penguins. It must be a business decision.

Now we know.


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