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Basketball vs Toledo

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any word on the extent of williams injury?  hopefully an update on the pregame show tomorrow.

crap...pregame show on Friday.  Thinking it was Thursday already.   

Coach Slocum has usually been a slow offensive tempo, many passes prior to shouting type coach. When Marcus Keene came, he brought that quick very up tempo offensive style. Coach Slocum used his slow offensive approach which hindered Keene. Marcus could have been a big scorer at YSU; then the Ryan Webber/Keene fiasco happened and both players exited the YSU program.

Now here comes in Cameron Morse, another very up tempo player and Coach Slocum is still using his slow down system on Cameron. Morse played 265 min. as a freshman, yet he did score 102 pts.

During Cameron's 2nd year, Slocum changed his strategy and allowed Morse to use his up tempo and he responded with many 20 pts/game. I give credit to Slocum for allowing Morse to play his type of game. Now this year Cameron has been amazing!!

We are still in need of a big man who can get rebounds & score against good competition, if we are going to be a factor in the Horizon League. I agree with "ucf"; Cameron and Marcus on the same YSU team would have been awesome to watch.

We really need a big man but our line up is what it is.   Kaufman is a little slow of foot but has a decent touch around the basket.   The big guys for both Akron and Toledo were not good match up for him.  The big for Akron might have a future in the NBA.

Devin Haygood is listed at 6-7.    He seems to have the length of a 6-10 guy.   Devin has played well off the bench and has been the best rim protector so far.  Like to see him get more minutes but he needs to stay out of foul trouble.

I wish we still had Umude.   He would have gave us another big athletic post player that was needed against Toledo.

Props again for Frantz who once again played his butt off last night.

Big tournament this weekend down in Alabama against Jordan Andrews new squad. These are three winnable games against teams that match up well with us. Let's hope we take 2 of 3 at the very least.

Go Guins!


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