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  I am hearing YSU has already determined home playoff game a week from Saturday will be 5 PM, and they are confident it will be St Francis.  If true, that is great news, they are likely the weakest team that will make the field.

 Also heard that our kicker Zak Kennedy may have a sports hernia, if true, he is done for the year.  Our backup kickers have been awful.

go guins:
"Our backup kickers have been awful."

Unfortunately that has been very true.  You go along thinking special teams is a YSU advantage and boom, now it is a liability.  That coach from SIU kicked every punt completely away from Townsend.  We got generally good field position, but they didn't want him to have a chance of great field position.

Too bad for ZaK if that works out to be true. 

IAA Fan:
Man big loss on Zak. We should prep Connor for <35 FG's and let the other two battle it out for long distance and kick-offs. Although I am not so sure about Connor's accuracy with a shoe vs. not.

Special teams is definitely in trouble if he's out for long. Especially with the offense having trouble getting into the end zone.

I have actually lost sleep over this. We just need to treat it as the next man up. We brought Needham in last year to be our kick off specialist and then Zak beat him out. He needs to kick it in the endzone and hit a long field goal if needed..I'm not sure who would be better on the short field goals Connor or Nate


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