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Game week thread: YSU vs. SIU: Win 2 and Host or win 1 and get screwed!

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IAA Fan:
We have had a power set in all of our games, but it has come in the second-half. It won 3-games now. Heck that won the ILS and UNI games in dramatic fashion. Perhaps installing it early in a hope to drain our opposing defenses is the plan and a good thing. I know it will certainly help us in the post-season if we hide our up-tempo offense until then. However, we still need to get Wells back onto the groove.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 08, 2016, 10:42:52 AM ---We have had a power set in all of our games, but it has come in the second-half. It won 3-games now. Heck that won the ILS and UNI games in dramatic fashion. Perhaps installing it early in a hope to drain our opposing defenses is the plan and a good thing. I know it will certainly help us in the post-season if we hide our up-tempo offense until then. However, we still need to get Wells back onto the groove.

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We do not run an up tempo offense.  Just because we do not huddle does not mean that we are running up tempo.  They look back to the side line to get the play call.  This does two bad things IMOP.  #1 it takes all of the decision making out of the QB's hands.  #2 the QB never learns to read the defense. 

We have big problems and fold like a BIG12 team when facing a good defense.  Tell me why there have been very few successful Big 12 QB's in the pros......................you know why?  Because NONE of them can read a defense, but they can certainly pass to a spot on the field. 

I think Montgomery has gotten worse over time.  Perhaps it is complacency (who knows).  All I can say is that he has won two big games in the last 8 years, and during the years with a bad defense, he made some calls that allowed the other team to get the ball and cost us games as well.

IAA Fan:
Good points Power. However, I disagree that we did not run up-tempo until this year. When we break for the ball, our opponents have to set their defense; who cares when we snap the ball? After that we just hope the wait-time gives us a possibility of an off-sides penalty. I stopped getting mad at that in Monty's first year. I am in full agreement on your pattern passing comments, especially as it relates to our INT percentage. I think Wells needs to set himself better on the throws. It is clear he throws a good ball when he has time. This also brings the line back into the discussion.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on November 08, 2016, 10:42:52 AM ---We have had a power set in all of our games, but it has come in the second-half. It won 3-games now. Heck that won the ILS and UNI games in dramatic fashion. Perhaps installing it early in a hope to drain our opposing defenses is the plan and a good thing. I know it will certainly help us in the post-season if we hide our up-tempo offense until then. However, we still need to get Wells back onto the groove.

--- End quote ---

Yes we agree on this.  It needs to be run more and is part of my criticism

2 games to get the O on track. If we do that we win and make the playoffs.  If the coaches find what works here and stick to it, that's a lot to be excited about.

We can make some noise post season with this defense. Even an offense that would have been considered average in past seasons under Coach M would be plenty of production.

Let's all try to relax and see what happens. I like the passion on the board, it shows we care whats going on.

I'm done arguing about coaches and players, it's obvious to all of us where our deficiencies lie. If we don't get them fixed, and soon, we will have a long off season to argue about them. I can safely predict that we will have a record setting year for banned message board users if we miss the playoffs.  :-[


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