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Favorable Playoff Scenario

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go guins:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on November 15, 2016, 08:36:43 AM ---Carson Wentz was/is a Ferrari.  We've got Ferraris too, with the #'s 3, 9 and 11 painted on the hood and doors.

Mays is still on the assembly line, and he may not turn out to be a Ferrari, but I'm pretty sure he's not a Cobalt.  I think he's got potential to be a Porsche 911 Carrera. Davis (pre-concussion) was a Jeep...willing to leave the safety of the garage (pocket) and go off road even if it meant a few dents and scratches.  Bo Pelini is a Abrams tank with an itchy trigger finger.

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In the same vein as 3, 9, & 11, I think you have to say NDSU's Nick DeLuca was/is in the same league, as is King Frasier. 
I like the Davis and Pelini analogies, but the Mays is just wishful thinking.  Yes, he is far from a finished project, but we have seen NOTHING to give us encouragement that there is anything more to gain.  Please look at:
 http://www.hudl.com/profile/1215093/nathan-mays  Against very low level competition he is able to run around for what seems like minutes and then throw a "punt" to a wide open receiver.  This is exactly what we have seen in the few occasions he's been on the field this year and NOTHING like what is needed to win in the MVFC.  If you can throw AND run, the running is a great advantage, but if you can't throw, thr running QB isn't enough, even if you are a very good runner, and Ricky and Nate are just OK runners.  They are certainly better than Hunter, but absolutely no Armanti Edwards either.

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: go guins on November 15, 2016, 09:14:50 AM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on November 15, 2016, 08:36:43 AM ---Carson Wentz was/is a Ferrari.  We've got Ferraris too, with the #'s 3, 9 and 11 painted on the hood and doors.

Mays is still on the assembly line, and he may not turn out to be a Ferrari, but I'm pretty sure he's not a Cobalt.  I think he's got potential to be a Porsche 911 Carrera. Davis (pre-concussion) was a Jeep...willing to leave the safety of the garage (pocket) and go off road even if it meant a few dents and scratches.  Bo Pelini is a Abrams tank with an itchy trigger finger.

--- End quote ---
In the same vein as 3, 9, & 11, I think you have to say NDSU's Nick DeLuca was/is in the same league, as is King Frasier. 
I like the Davis and Pelini analogies, but the Mays is just wishful thinking.  Yes, he is far from a finished project, but we have seen NOTHING to give us encouragement that there is anything more to gain.  Please look at:
 http://www.hudl.com/profile/1215093/nathan-mays  Against very low level competition he is able to run around for what seems like minutes and then throw a "punt" to a wide open receiver.  This is exactly what we have seen in the few occasions he's been on the field this year and NOTHING like what is needed to win in the MVFC.  If you can throw AND run, the running is a great advantage, but if you can't throw, thr running QB isn't enough, even if you are a very good runner, and Ricky and Nate are just OK runners.  They are certainly better than Hunter, but absolutely no Armanti Edwards either.

--- End quote ---

In that vid, Mays was elusive on the run, able to throw accurately on the run, punt, and drain 3 pointers from the corner!  Only Armanti Edwards is Armanti Edwards.  Dude is an FCS legend with IMO the biggest FCS over FBS win  in CFB history.

Removing all emotion, and trying to be objective and looking at apples to apples stats provided by the MVFC, Mays is statistically better than Wells.  He just is.  If anything Wells stats were complied by two very weak teams ( and one strong team), and Mays was complied against stronger MVFC competition....so the stats understate Mays' skill superiority over Wells. 

I'll root for whomever we put at QB, and hope to be wrong, but at some point facts, logic and reason gotta be considered.  This is our first playoff appearance in 10 years, and we lose a ton of talent after this year.  We get one shot at this......let's not blow on myths and feelz.

go guins:

--- Quote ---
In that vid, Mays was elusive on the run, able to throw accurately on the run, punt, and drain 3 pointers from the corner!  Only Armanti Edwards is Armanti Edwards.  Dude is an FCS legend with IMO the biggest FCS over FBS win  in CFB history.

Removing all emotion, and trying to be objective and looking at apples to apples stats provided by the MVFC, Mays is statistically better than Wells.  He just is.  If anything Wells stats were complied by two very weak teams ( and one strong team), and Mays was complied against stronger MVFC competition....so the stats understate Mays' skill superiority over Wells. 

I'll root for whomever we put at QB, and hope to be wrong, but at some point facts, logic and reason gotta be considered.  This is our first playoff appearance in 10 years, and we lose a ton of talent after this year.  We get one shot at this......let's not blow on myths and feelz.

--- End quote ---
You bench Wells for 9 months then dump him in as a starter in 2 MVFC games and use that to judge him against Mays, who's claim to fame was handing off 35 times in a great comeback win?  NEITHER of these is fair.  Yes Mays looks good running around against very low level high school competition, but the passing is pitiful.  By comparison .  http://www.hudl.com/profile/1121794/hunter-wells  Again, this is against slightly better HS competition than Mays, but look at the throws compared to Mays.  We are in the MVFC, those "lame ducks" of Mays are coming back at us!

IAA Fan:
Agreed on Mays having potential. Many people did not agree when I brought him up during camp. However, let's remember that all of these QB's were brought in as direct replacements for coach M's offensive scheme followed with Hess. All 4 of them are very much in the same mold. If Montgomery says Mays is not ready, then I trust him.

We had some success running the occasional semi-wildcat plays with Nania/Wells/Hess & I think Montgomery sees the same with Wells and Davis. We do not have any running QB's until Hosick returns. However a Montgomery offense does not really benefit from a rushing QB ...only a scrambling QB. Hess had fantastic pocket ability. Montgomery likes his RB's running the ball, as do I. RB's are used to getting hit regularly. If we have 3 and one goes down ...it is next man up. If a QB goes down, it can never be "next man up". I do not care if there are 3 running QB's on the team. A sharp-crisp piston (new QB) may perform better than one warn, but the new piston changes the entire feel of the engine. A fresh set of plugs (RB's) will at least keep the engine running the same or better. The piston needs a garage and a machine and lots of time to replace (spring, fall camps and early season easy games). We can replace the plugs in the driveway (on the sidelines or during the week).

So you may not agree with the decision to use Wells, but the change requires a lot of work because his parts were warn last year. I too see him improving almost every game so far. He just needs to lose that 1st-throw INT potential. I would like to see a couple of short passes before we go deep. I understand we lose that element of surprise. So I don't know ...above my pay grade.

go guins:
I wish I saw in Mays whatever it is a few of you guys see in Mays.  I see him scrambling around OK, but not so much as an option or read option running QB and I see nothing in his passing ability that makes me optimistic. In my mind, we have 2 or 3 guys back next year and so we have 2 classes to recruit a QB for going forward.


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