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Guins vs. Bison: In game thread

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Another bad first quarter

Where are the Shane Montgomery apologists?

Well we start of with a fumble and now an interception by Wells!!!!

This is ridiculous!!

Penguin Ice:

--- Quote from: WeAreYoungstown on November 05, 2016, 04:07:04 PM ---Where are the Shane Montgomery apologists?

--- End quote ---

Your kidding right?
I didn't see Shane throw that INT.
I didn't see Shane take a hit in the back field and fumble when Hunter should have tucked it in and ran seconds before he got hit.

I don't care who is calling the plays. If you don't have a QB your it going to win

Bo pissed off Wells by burying him early in the season who was looking for a D2 school because he can't cut it at this level. Now Davis is upset because he did not get his job back after being healthy. Didn't even mke the trip with the team. What a mess. Need a new QB, need a new OC.


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