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vs. Sycamores ... in Game Thread

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--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 30, 2016, 04:11:15 PM ---since this has become the post game thread why not?

Like it or lump it. Monty is you OC ...and damn good one. Gee how funny to actually hear the HC of ILS courting him (twice now). How ironic that the HC of ISU says he patterns his offense after ours. They obviously do if you watch the game. Rotating between #'s 23 & 24 to RUN against us ..and quite well I might add. Stop subtracting the sack numbers ...look at their stats. That QB was the best we have faced all year, at least in terms of accuracy, the first QB in our conference that I have seen and feel a distinctively better passer than Wells. He leads his receivers much better, but Wells as the ability to throw better into crowds (even though he was doing it a bit more often last year).

Wells is the this team's QB, for the rest of this year and next. The kid is a stand-up guy, asks for his papers and they are granted ... continues to practice and help this team (so what if is helps him as wells), then ...knowing he does not as yet have 100% support from his HC, he rescinds and comes back. In 2-weeks it will have been a year since he last lead this team against a varsity opponent. Yes we are lucky it was ISU. To say a DII team does not want him is so low. Hell he already had his SRU uniform. You don't think that after Nania, every team in the PSAC is not crying for Wells?

This is the third game our shallow defense was exposed and no on says a word? Why did Moss have such a big day? Gee look who didn't and the answer is pretty easy. They let Rivers come through and then ran off-guard against him. Twice he was so busy going after the QB he completely missed the ball carrier; don't think we won't see that again next week. Good teams are sweeping against us because we have no ends at home. We need them to force the early throw to keep our CB's from getting burned and our safeties from passing out from exhaustion. Just like last year, our middle was opened up as our safeties were not playing up (which they should not be), we got no hands on the receivers and that allowed then to get into our open middle. I think lack of Savon played a factor their. When he was in he only had 1-hurry and no sacks, he was trying to play off the receivers and you cannot do two things at once.

On O you cried for slants and you got it, you cried for Wells to run and you got it, you cried for more use of the TE's and you got it, You cried for #20 in the flat and you got it. coach M very skillfully used the TE's in the flat, then dropped Webb in there ..very nice. Then when they (TE's) came out, Monty pulled them to the middle and they went deep. This is the offense we cannot do with Davis. On the other hand Oline weak again (yes with 8 in the box it is hard). I hope they keep working on that.

At the end of the day, ISU had 226-yards of offense, which should have yielded 3 TDs (ideally, with 17 more likely). YSU had 291-yards of offesne, which should have yielded 3.8 TD's or 24 points (ideally 28). Let's remember that offense had two INT's, 3 fumbles (1 of which forced a punt and the other a missed FG) and we had two-missed FG's. So ISU had 2 TO's that caused them to only produce 10-points. Now we could have added back on those 6-points (missed on FGs) and the INT's and we should have hand at least an additional 12-points...with as many as 20.  We do not need a running QB to run the ball, we have 3 backs for that. On the other hand, we have only 1-QB back there. Simply put, the pass ability of more crucial. I personally do not care if it all comes in the first 10-minutes of the game, as long as it comes. If we can pull this team together under Wells, we can have a very efficient offense.

--- End quote ---

Stop smoking crack and take your medication.  The defense was shallow?  Lol!hahahhahahaha. The defense saved our sorry offense once again.  1 touchdown in the last 12 quarters of football.  And the TD was in garbage time.  You have completely lost it.  Your wires are crossed.  The defense and special teams have won the last two games.

This one is for you


We gave up 1 TD, on a 25 yard drive, and the defense struggled?

Let's not forget how they got to the 25 in the first place.

What do they have to do to open your eyes? Outscore the other teams offense? Hold them to under 100 yards total?

226 total yards against! 7 sacks! 2 INT! That's '85 Bears quality defense bud.

1 offensive TD in 12 quarters speaks volumes. This team may have problems but defense isn't it. ANYONE can see that. Almost anyone.

Our defense was exposed....good lord

2 reasons why we are 6-2.  Defense and special teams.   We are winning both battles there. 

Penguin Ice:
I've never seen so many people b****ing about a 6-2 team in my life. Are they perfect NO, but they find a way to win. And that's all that really matters.
They have a chance to go to Fargo next week and walk away in first place in the toughest division in FCS and yet some of you still b**** and moan. Why don't you try and support this team and the decisions that the coaching staff are making.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: penguinpower on October 30, 2016, 04:41:20 PM ---

Stop smoking crack and take your medication.  The defense was shallow?  Lol!hahahhahahaha. The defense saved our sorry offense once again.  1 touchdown in the last 12 quarters of football.  And the TD was in garbage time.  You have completely lost it.  Your wires are crossed.  The defense and special teams have won the last two games.

This one is for you


--- End quote ---

Since you obviously did not go to the game, this one is for you. Notice the tackling with the should in the middle of the field. The better teams are finding success. They had no issues between the 30's. On side note ...Adam Sandler? Seriously?? I don't know if I have ever even watched one of his films in it's entirety. Last time I check I was older than 19. :)



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