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vs. Sycamores ... in Game Thread

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--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on October 29, 2016, 09:36:40 PM ---I agree, the play calling does not help whoever is at QB. O-Line don't have the best feet so can't run a lot of screens. WR's have to do more. This team will be defense or die from here on out. Kennedy needs to get going on FG's. Can't be missing any more of those.

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We should be able to run WR screens though.  They should have good feet and be able to bloc since they don't catch very well. 

Maybe they should throw tennis balls at them in practice so when they see the giant football it will look large and in slow motion to them. 

throw to the backs in the flats  so they can turn it up field.  the offense has to score touchdowns which will make the defense even better

Was it ugly..Yes..Conference wins are hard to come by and that was a good football team that we beat..I will take it. After watching the game it was pretty obvious on why they made the switch at quarterback. Two stats that stand out to me are the 150 yards rushing by Ruiz and the Zero sacks allowed. Bo for the most part seemed pretty happy with Wells in his press conference. Keep in mind this is a major change for this offense with a quarterback that really hasn't picked up a football for several weeks prior to this week..The touchdowns will come everyone needs to be patient

On the deep throws Wells ball placement was really good. It just seemed like they were running stride for stride with us all night and we couldn't get any separation..Did anyone notice the same?


--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on October 30, 2016, 08:40:13 AM ---On the deep throws Wells ball placement was really good. It just seemed like they were running stride for stride with us all night and we couldn't get any separation..Did anyone notice the same?

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Yes.....hence my comments around the garbage route running.  If our receivers have the speed, they should be able to get open.


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