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The YO Show:
If this is true, I can only hope Hunter is able to immediately produce after not playing in a game setting all season.


--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on October 25, 2016, 05:25:30 PM ---YSU lost 24-27

--- End quote ---

Please post scores the proper way with the winning score larger than the losing score.  ;)

In Bo's post game conference he said there was a real sense of urgency with the offense and it was his job as the head coach to raise the urgency and get it fixed..Those are strong words.. The latest turn of events are the best thing that could happen for this program for a potential playoff berth and a run for a national title

So if Davis lied to his coaches about having a concussion isn't that kinda hurting the team.  Sometimes being a leader you have to do the right thing.  I am not  giving him a mulligan for that or for any injury.  Wells got his head beat in at Pitt didn't he. If I as a coach base everything on performance and execution Ricky needs to be benched.  51% is not getting it done.  Since we started this experiment our offense scores 1 less TD a game.  We saw this with Dante Nania.  Time to move on and let's hope Wells can do it.

I have no clue how valid this report is, but I do think the two QB system worked pretty good vs NDSU last year. Not advocating it as a long term solution, but could be something that the coaching staff considers this week.


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