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Post- game Thoughts Jacks 24-10 over the Penguins.

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--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on October 22, 2016, 08:34:41 PM ---Bo said after the game that Ricky's job is up for grabs

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Ugh I got excited and read "Ricky"as "Monty" there, you got me excited.

Monty had a hand in recruiting all of these kids, the fact that we are regressing speaks volumes.

I really liked the 4th down call of option after Davis was visibly limping the play before  :o :o :o :o :o

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: YSUGO on October 22, 2016, 08:59:07 PM ---Penguin Nation, how many points has Ricky put on the board the last 2 games. I see an offense that has regressed since he took over.  We have no passing game at all now,  which now has slowed our running game. Funny how Wells wasn't a running QB but he was still putting points on the board and making the throws upfield.  That isn't happening now.  When Hunter took over he had to put points on the board because our D wasn't any good. Now with a better D and a healthy line an a receiving core that is supposed to be better Ricky isn't getting it done.  Honestly I was hoping he could because of how bad I want us to win.  I have seen enough football to know that right now Ricky isn't our future.  That might change.  The only way to change that is to make him a game manager and in this offense that demands so much QB IQ it's not happening.

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I understand your frustration.
Ricky's shortcomings don't make Wells a better QB.  Ricky has had zero INTs pre-concussion, and 5 (i think) since.  He's not the same guy who took the field at the beginning of the season.  He was limping today and really shouldn't be playing.  I suspect if he were healthy, he'd be a very different QB, but who knows. We've tried Wells.  It wasn't good.  I actually initially thought Wells was the answer when he had a strong Spring camp last year, but I was mistaken.  That's the pattern under Monty...QBs regress....they all have.  The issues with the offense include the receivers and the o line also...basically everything Monty is in charge of.  I think Ricky needs time to heal and refocus.  I'd start Mays who I think has potential to be something special.

IAA Fan:
No but it makes him a better QB than Davis. Don't start babbling just the obvious truth. We cannot throw the ball, then again, this line would be hell for Wells too ...so who knows?

Penguin Nation I agree.  Hess seemed to never improve.  How many All conference wr's or lineman have we had lately?  i guess my point is for both QB's is Monty didn't use them right and put them in good situations.  2 many 2nd and 3rd and longs.  Ricky was playing great till WV into the third qtr.  I felt we needed to protect our QB's in that game because in the big scheme of things we need them for the rest of the season.  He hasn't been the same.  I think we all no the answer here.  It's  a coaching thing here.  I agree about May.  Let Ricky heal up and Monty should stay on the field as well to coach up these kids. 


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 22, 2016, 09:25:12 PM ---No but it makes him a better QB than Davis. Don't start babbling just the obvious truth. We cannot throw the ball, then again, this line would be hell for Wells too ...so who knows?

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Not necessarily.  Davis misses every open person on the 2nd and 3rd reads.  If he hit 30% of those it would open up the passing game, but instead he runs when the 1st read isn't there so the defense just pins their ears back and shuts us down.  You aren't looking at it the right way.  We could have won that game.  We have the athletes to do it.  We have a better chance with Mays because he makes his reads.  He is also the only person to score TD's in the last 8 quarters.


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