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Ricky's passing efficiency in conference play is currently 103.4 Hunters passing efficiency in conference play was 136.4 in 2014 and 122.0 in 2015...with a higher number of passes thrown your efficiency should be lower and the less passes thrown higher..if you want to count 15 passes prior so be lol..We had lineman last year that are know longer here plus we added vitas..We have brought in how many transfers at the WR position that are contributing?  I care deeply for Ricky's health and I hope the concussion isn't playing a part in this..I do agree with you at the end of the day we are still 5-1

Some very good points 1AA on your previous post

Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on October 18, 2016, 05:41:15 PM ---Ricky's passing efficiency in conference play is currently 103.4 Hunters passing efficiency in conference play was 136.4 in 2014 and 122.0 in 2015...with a higher number of passes thrown your efficiency should be lower and the less passes thrown higher..if you want to count 15 passes prior so be lol..We had lineman last year that are know longer here plus we added vitas..We have brought in how many transfers at the WR position that are contributing?  I care deeply for Ricky's health and I hope the concussion isn't playing a part in this..I do agree with you at the end of the day we are still 5-1

--- End quote ---

Here are the final 2015 stats.
6. Davis, Ricky-YSU So 9 8-18-0 142 1 129.0
8. Wells, Hunter-YSU So 11 159-291-7 1975 13 121.6


Here are this seasons current PE rating for Davis:
9. Davis, Ricky-YSU Jr 5 46-90-4 749 5 130.5


This is what you are referring to, which excludes OOC games:


Using an apples to apples comparison, Davis had a better PE than Wells with the same o-line and receivers in 2015.  It's a small sample size for Davis, but that only empahsizes the point further.  Wells was allegedly the passing guru, so much so that we were supposed to forget about his minus 44 yards rushing for the season.  Despite all of that game experience, he still wasn't as accurate as our part-time QB.

Including all games, and not cherry picking MVFC games, Davis still has a better passing efficiency now in 2016, even despite recent setbacks, than Wells had in 2015.

It's interesting that you mentioned that Wells passing efficiency regressed from 2014 to 2015.  That is what I'm saying about Monty.  QBs regress under him.  I saw it with Hess.  And no 1AA, the fact that Mays performed well doesn't have anything to do with progression or regression.  You need to follow performance over time to establish progression or regression. 

All of that being said, I think Davis will mature as a QB, not be as reckless, and his PE will improve. Also, I think Mays will be a very capable second string QB.  If we find D that can stop our run for four quarters, tho, we are screwed.

IAA Fan:
This is my biggest fear for right now and especially this weekend:


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 19, 2016, 12:59:12 PM ---This is my biggest fear for right now and especially this weekend:

<iframe width="280" height="157" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/QlXLVc0J4lo" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
--- End quote ---

That's a 5-0 team and 12th ranked team in the nation. This is SDSU....


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