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Penguin Nation:
Say it ain't so Bo


go guins:
I suppose that is the best we could hope for: 2-7  3 yards & 1 int passing, 4 rushes for -4 yds. Davis over 3-6 25 yards & 1 int passing, 6 rush for 16 yds (11 on one play) Mays.
Pretty pitiful when you look at it, isn't it?
The secret to our lack of success is these "running QB's" is they don't run very well.  We are comparing them to Wells, and sure they are better than Hunter, but so am I.  The only guy with significant running talent was Hosick and he's done. 
I went back and watched Nate May's HUDL highlights for 2014 and 2013 and saw a LOT of very slow developing plays with defensive breakdowns that led to long runs or long, floating passes to wide open receivers.  Played against very weak competition.  If anybody wants links, let me know, very interesting
Go back 2 years from now when Wells was a freshman getting his first start.  He looked FAR better than either Davis or Mays starting their careers.  Looks to me like we are in deep do-do.

go guins:

--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on October 18, 2016, 01:43:11 PM ---Say it ain't so Bo


--- End quote ---
Let's have a poll"

Those that thought Bo would retire from YSU:            _____________
Those that thought he'd stay until a P5 job opened up ____X_________

The YO Show:
Yeah but not just any P5 job Go, a good P5 job. He was offered the Maryland job last year and didnt want it.


--- Quote from: go guins on October 18, 2016, 01:46:15 PM ---I suppose that is the best we could hope for: 2-7  3 yards & 1 int passing, 4 rushes for -4 yds. Davis over 3-6 25 yards & 1 int passing, 6 rush for 16 yds (11 on one play) Mays.
Pretty pitiful when you look at it, isn't it?
The secret to our lack of success is these "running QB's" is they don't run very well.  We are comparing them to Wells, and sure they are better than Hunter, but so am I.  The only guy with significant running talent was Hosick and he's done. 
I went back and watched Nate May's HUDL highlights for 2014 and 2013 and saw a LOT of very slow developing plays with defensive breakdowns that led to long runs or long, floating passes to wide open receivers.  Played against very weak competition.  If anybody wants links, let me know, very interesting
Go back 2 years from now when Wells was a freshman getting his first start.  He looked FAR better than either Davis or Mays starting their careers.  Looks to me like we are in deep do-do.

--- End quote ---

That makes sense. He sure seemed very slow to decide what to do on that INT


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