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Defense!Defense!Defense! Post-game thoughts after destroying The Panthers!

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go guins:
There have been a lot of games since 1994, including a national championsihp in 1997, but it was and OUTSTANDING effort by the D, and matched by the effort on O and in the kicking game.  As Bo said, it was a terrific TEAM effort. 
I want to note, I thought UNI was the dirtest team I've seen play at YSU.  Cheap shots on QB after getting rid of the ball were many and often.  Cheap shot to May's head after pitch in last drive could have been life threating, and although the flag was thrown and helped set up winning TD, the player should have been ejected.


--- Quote from: go guins on October 17, 2016, 09:39:51 AM ---There have been a lot of games since 1994, including a national championsihp in 1997, but it was and OUTSTANDING effort by the D, and matched by the effort on O and in the kicking game.  As Bo said, it was a terrific TEAM effort. 
I want to note, I thought UNI was the dirtest team I've seen play at YSU. Cheap shots on QB after getting rid of the ball were many and often.  Cheap shot to May's head after pitch in last drive could have been life threating, and although the flag was thrown and helped set up winning TD, the player should have been ejected.

--- End quote ---

That Montana team in 94 was bad  >:( One Montana player even took a piss in the end zone after the game  ???

go guins:

--- Quote ---That Montana team in 94 was bad  >:( One Montana player even took a piss in the end zone after the game  ???

--- End quote ---
Guess we don't exactly agree on "dirty" vs. "disrespectful".  Going at a QB's head is over the top, and can't be allowed.  Pissing in the end zone is certainly disrespectful, but nobody is going to get hurt (unless he is careless with his zipper!)


--- Quote from: go guins on October 17, 2016, 10:13:06 AM ---

That Montana team in 94 was bad  >:( One Montana player even took a piss in the end zone after the game  ???

--- End quote ---
Guess we don't exactly agree on "dirty" vs. "disrespectful".  Going at a QB's head is over the top, and can't be allowed.  Pissing in the end zone is certainly disrespectful, but nobody is going to get hurt (unless he is careless with his zipper!)

Nooooooo!! They were dirty mother *^&@#$!!! Late hits OB, chop blocks, head hunting etc... So they were DD  (dirty and disrespectful) ;D

Im sure that the UNI posters on AGS will probably say it was the other way around--they are still hot about the clock keeper cheating them out of the last second--regular posters Clownz and Crapped in Calif. are still maintaining that UNI's vaunted defense is significantly better than ours.


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