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Money Games

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Penguin Nick:
Sorry 1AA but I look forward to the "money game" more than any other game by far.  Hope to be in the MAC one day soon, where we rightfully belong.

The YO Show:
I don't think the selection committee would rank YSU below NDSU in that scenario, though my entire argument predicated on the argument that the FCS playoff committee decisions are not in lock step with fan perception... so I would be a hypocrite if I said I was 100% sure.

Penguin Nation:
A season is longer than one game and the entire body of work needs to be considered, including SOS (NDSU > YSU), and we lost to WVU, and NDSU beat a team ranked higher (at the time) than WVU.

Based on all variables, in that scenario, I'd rank NDSU higher than YSU, but not by much.

As far as the money game, the FCS model is bizarre and needs to be abolished.  The MVFC has no peers in the FCS and the FCS actually has a non-scholly and partial scholly conferences.  The MVFC is ranked higher than multiple G5 conferences.  There should be P5, G5 plus competitive full-63 scholly FCS conferences, and send the rest of the FCS to D2 or even D3.  So, based on whacked division distinctions with D1, I wouldn't ban intra-D1 games because one is FCS and one is FBS.

In the post-Heacock era, we are competitive in these money games.  I feel the BIG's FCS ban is because teams like ISUr and NDSU beat their teams and embarrass them.

IAA Fan:
yes but that is still just ego Nation. First of all do not compare the Heacock era of FCS vs FBS with today's ...many thing are different now and has nothing to do with the increase in talent of FCS teams. It has to do with W's and L's and cash-cows. Who cares if they are embarrassed? Do you think that Pitt, Penn State, Illinois, OSU are laughing at us?

Fan, your view point tells me that up want to live in a world where you don't know who the best is.  I want to know and it is one of the main reasons I take issue with the current playoff format of allowing autobids from the NEC.  There are other factors that affect the way teams play at any given point during the season. Two years ago the BCS playoffs committee correctly pick Ohio State over Baylor and TCU and they dominated everyone on the way to the championship.  However, they lost to VT and really didn't look good all year until they beat Michigan State and then blew out Wisconsin in the B1G championship game, them took out Alabama and Oregon.  Up to the MSU game they played mediocre ball. 


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