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Money Games

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IAA Fan:
No I just want it to be fair. I have no issue playing a stronger (FCS) ooc schedule. I mean we would not expect our kid's little league team to play down to tee ball, as we would not expect them to play up to pony or colt leagues. In fact we would say that is quite ridiculous. However, with the financial concerns ...everything has to be fair. Could we at least start out with a set payout by the FBS school? Ot how about we have a fair path out:

1. Set payout range.
2, Set payout amount.
3. Then end of FBS vs. FCS games.

The goal would be an end to inter-divisional games (this includes sub-FCS games as well). Nick I agree with you on moving up, as many do, but why do you look forward to losing a game every year?

The way they rank and pick playoff seedings common sense is not a factor.  FCS is like boxing bad officials and the playoff committee changes the rules to suit them.


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