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Northern Iowa

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go guins:
Love the helmets, OK with the "blackout"
More interested in QB "looking off" a DB or going to a secondary receiver once in a while.
Also interested in what is bothering Ruiz?  He is the closest thing we have have to a power back and we can't beat teams like UNI, SDSU and NDSU with a tiny scatback on every down.

Love to be there for this one  :'(

Any takers on SDSU? I've said if YSU beats UNI I'm going to Brookings. PM me or call/text.



--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 11, 2016, 03:35:39 PM ---The "change in philosophy" was quite some time ago. Pre-Wolf for certain. We have played UNI with the spread more than a few times. I can go back an look at some of my photos, that may tell us something.

--- End quote ---

I dont remember that, but I'll take your word for it. I'm probably still shell shocked from them gaining hundreds of yards from the I and pro set year after year in the past. Kind of burned into mt brain.

The stats against SD are VERY encouraging.

IAA Fan:
You know part of that could be my fault as well Happy. I take any team with an option game (especially QB) and lump them together as spread. It has really been a while since UNI did not have a very mobile QB. I really thought they were going to win that 2005 championship against Appy State. They really spread it out that game. I also remember them playing Villanova (so that must have been back in 2009 or 10). They should have won that game.

IAA Fan:
Well guys and gals ...it is Thursday. Time for predictions. All indications are a close game, but I am saying we will by at least 2-scores. 31-21 good guys.


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