YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

#15 YSU at #23 Illinois State

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With UNI and SDS the following two weeks, this is a must win.  I believe the Guins get it done.

Illinois State has allowed their quarterback to be sacked 18 times in five games.  The statistics suggest that their sophomore quarterback is very accurate, but he does not have too much experience.  The formula for tomorrow is very basic: stop the run, unleash the pass rush, and don't turn the stupid ball over while on offense.

Penguin Nation:
Hype vid:


IAA Fan:
Everything I have seen on ILS shows them on offense very similar to SD, or us. Last year they had a more mobile QB that killed us. I agree with Wick. This defense will work  as long we do not come across either:

1. A QB with a quick release and a long arm. Or,
2. SDSU, NDSU & UNI with any QB.

Need this W badly.


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