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Let Ricky throw

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I agree with you IAA.......Mccaster should have been in rotation from the start......He has proven that.....but give Ricky and Monty their props to......... Time will tell


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 04, 2016, 04:39:49 PM ---I agree Ice, but I will say that Ricky had some consistency issues on Saturday ...I would think this played a large roll in running more. Also, Monty did notice USD DE's playing in the flat and the line stacking, so he brought in McCaster (as opposed to Webb) to relieve Ruiz (almost too late in my opinion). I suspect that every opposing DC is going to guard the flat against Montgomery's O ...that is where he likes to run those dump passes to TE's and RB's. We need to add some slant pattern passes into the mix. However if we can get the balance that we need on the ground, I feel better doing that.

While it is on my mind, a message to the fans: Hunter, Ricky and Trent knows how much time is on the clock. Ricky is intentionally using the play clock, this has been a Montgomery tradition since he got here. Both Clemson and Louisville were doing it Saturday night. Stop yelling at the guy ...he knows what he is doing. He is going to make a few mistakes in the timing, that is fine until he gets more experience,  I can live with it.

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Ricky's consistency played no role in how much we ran the ball Saturday. He was 10 of 12 passing in the first half and we ran the ball 26 times. He was 5 of 11 in the second half and we ran it only 30 times. I think the game situations played a role in when we ran and when we passed. He had a 65% completion percentage for the game, 15/23. Not the best, but pretty consistent. If Monty is truly your friend, ask him what he thought of his performance, you may be surprised. We got our hands full this week, Go Guins.

Mr. Davis I hope you are right about Ricky.  I feel he has the heart.  Hopefully he will have the skills....

I just don't want him running so much.


--- Quote from: Buddy on October 04, 2016, 08:55:02 PM ---Mr. Davis I hope you are right about Ricky.  I feel he has the heart.  Hopefully he will have the skills....

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I just listed the game stats off the YSU website. What do you hope I'm right about?


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