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NDSU a Top 25 team?

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IAA Fan:
I think you are right, I am just saying that a waiver is not a red-shirt. A waiver acknowledges that the player did play that season and waves the year off. A red-shirt is a player declaring that the year is one which he is sitting out of football, but does count as one the 5-years a student-athlete has to participate in 4-years worth of football (in this case). A waiver does not count as one of the 5-years that the player has with which to complete 4-years worth of football.

I might be making it more confusing ... hard to say.

God forbid that DeLuca goes into camp next year finds he is not eligible (not going to happen, but just for the heck of it). He could still qualify for a red-shirt; come back and play his 4th-year in 2018. If he were to take a red-shirt right now (instead of a medical waiver) he would have to graduate and take post-grad classes in order to participate next year. So it can be a big difference which of the two that you get. You always want to medical waiver if possible.

Holy sh**!!!! Stevie Wonder could see that NDSU is light years ahead of the rest of the FCS  :o

go guins:

--- Quote from: ysubigred on September 26, 2016, 11:25:57 AM ---Holy sh**!!!! Stevie Wonder could see that NDSU is light years ahead of the rest of the FCS  :o

--- End quote ---
Everyone but our fearless leader 1AA (aka 1 "Stevie Wonder" AA)
They remind me of the good old Vince Lombardi teams in GB.  Block better and tackle better and you usually win.  Just good old powder football and solid D.  Worked 50 years ago, works today, will work as long as we play football.
We're always going to have a Wing T, a Wishbone, a West Coast offense or a spread or whatever, but block and tackle never goes out of style.  Our boy 1AA knows that as much as the rest of us, but he got himself in a box and beating them Nov. 5 is the only way out, so I hope he gets out!
The funny thing is, as good as they’ve been, and as good as they are, we had them beat last year until we quit playing.

IAA Fan:
They are done.

go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on September 26, 2016, 01:06:49 PM ---They are done.

--- End quote ---
That's it, stick to your guns!  I'd expect nothing less. 

I hope those bad boys from ISU don't beat them up too bad.  We'll need them to be high ranked when we kick their butts in the Fargo Dome 11/5! 


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