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NDSU a Top 25 team?

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--- Quote from: The YO Show on September 19, 2016, 02:21:16 AM --- So... what we should just lose and take the money  :-\?

--- End quote ---

Sounds kinda rough and to the point but if you want the big money to continue long term - yes.

Any big time 1A school that loses to a 1AA school does not belong in the play-offs, period.

Any 1AA school that loses to a D2 does not belong in the play-offs, period.

YSU paid the price for even playing D2 schools by not getting into the play-offs. So we now play the little sisters of 1AA. No different then what the big 10 now does, replaced 1AA teams with their little sisters of 1A aka mac type schools.

The YO Show:
Thank you IAA and guinpen for the clarification. Also, no hard feelings IAA. I am human and do possess an ego, so it is possible at times my personality comes through my posts. I'm sure stuff I've said have offended other people here.  ;D

Nick DeLuca will have season ending shoulder surgery. He is expected to return next season and be granted a medical redshirt

go guins:

--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on September 20, 2016, 05:00:30 PM ---Nick DeLuca will have season ending shoulder surgery. He is expected to return next season and be granted a medical redshirt

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Too bad.  Clearly the best player in 1AA football.  He was the only thing holding NDSU from being totally "done," right 1AA?  Kidding of course.  I feel sorry when players are hurt, and l hope he recovers fully.  But I'll bet he doesn't come back next year.  This kid is NFL ready and will go with the draft.   

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: FOOTBALLFEVER on September 20, 2016, 05:00:30 PM ---Nick DeLuca will have season ending shoulder surgery. He is expected to return next season and be granted a medical redshirt

--- End quote ---

You are right Go Guins ...he played the first game so he is not eligible for a medical red-shirt on 2016. I guess they could offer him another year of eligibility, but it is not a common thing. If he graduates this year, he could pick-up the extra year, but my guess would be he would take that at the FBS level. Hoping to get a draft pick is his best option.

With or without him, NDSU is going down, starting this week.


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