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NDSU a Top 25 team?

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go guins:

--- Quote from: IAA Fan on September 18, 2016, 06:58:08 PM ---
--- Quote from: guinpen on September 18, 2016, 04:33:12 PM ---How about this angle, games like Iowa and ndsu are bad for FCS. It just means that more and more 1A teams will stop scheduling FCS teams, heck I would. They have nothing to gain and everything to lose. Iowa now has zero chance of the play-offs. The big paydays will end soon and schools like us will be hurting.

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Could not have been said any better. They need to be banned by the NCAA so that no region of the country is treated unfairly. Like the Midwest with the Big-10's refusal to play FCS teams.

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I disagree 100%.  We all know how 1AA feels, but I still think there is a future back playing Kent, Akron, maybe adding Buffalo etc.  This would rule that out and I don't think it makes sense.  What does "region" have to do with it?  These 1AA conferences think travel is nothing.  If the Big 10 won't play us, we could go to the west or south. 

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: go guins on September 19, 2016, 08:21:37 AM ---
--- Quote from: IAA Fan on September 17, 2016, 08:21:11 PM ---They are done.

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That’s it, stick to your guns!  Too late to back out now, no matter how ridiculous you sound!  We all knew how dumb your statement was last week, now the whole world knows!  Am I correct in saying MVFC 2 BIG 1?

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As many as 4 losses in conference, no less than 2. No conference crown, no national title. I will not go as far as to say no post-season though; so I guess I am backing off my statement somewhat. They are done.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: The YO Show on September 19, 2016, 02:21:16 AM ---With respect, not sure that argument makes total sense. Ban NDSU vs Iowa type games so more FCS vs FBS games are banned IAA? Also, don't think I agree either guinpen. First ever time that a ranked FBS team lost to an FCS team and didn't completely drop out of the coaches poll (Iowa is still ranked in the Coaches poll, at exactly 25). There are even talking heads on ESPN saying that losing to NDSU isn't really a bad loss either.

There is certainly more risk than reward for scheduling FCS teams, but its not just teams like NDSU that cause that issue. YSU, UNI, EWU, ect. ect. have been digging that grave for a while. Anytime a good FCS team beats an FBS team, the bad starts to outweigh the good. Therein lies the problem. If we like and need these money games, but we bring a competitive team, by your own argument we are causing our own misfortune down the road because the money games dry up due to our performance on the field. So... what we should just lose and take the money  :-\?

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That is just ego posting. How is this any different than YSU playing Slippery Rock (which all of you complained about)? Ignoring the fact that the NCAA has no other way to fund FCA ball, there is no way that it is fair, nor should it be allowed. All of us know these games are going to continue to happen, so this discussion is theoretical. Yet in reality, the NCAA tells FBS administrations that they can schedule an extra game if they will play an FCS program. Now a couple of conferences refuse to play the FCS team, yet they are permitted to keep the extra game and schedule FBS opposition? How is that fair in any way, shape, or form?

NDSU wins games because they play an antiquated style of ball. FBS defenses today are not designed to stop a team that has huge line depth and runs the ball for 400+yards. D linemen today are like ours ...tall and lanky. If NDSU played a "real" #10 FCS team and spread the ball on offense ...the game would be over in Q1 ...just as it would be for any other FCS team. That being said, Iowa is so over-rated.

Emphasis today is on winning the conference. The winner of the big-10 (regardless of record) is going to be one of the final-4 teams. Iowa could beat UM or OSU and still lose to NDSU ...it is simply a matter of focus. What Big-10 coach is going to recruit and waste time in summer camp practicing to play a pro-set run-based offense for 1-game, when they have to worry about Meyer and Harbaugh spreading it out all over the place in games worth multi-millions to their institutions? The game is all about money and this is where FBS and FCS institutions differ the most ...this is the largest reason they should not play each other. Furthermore, if you are going to allow the inter-divisional games, make certain that ALL IA/FBS teams comply with a very specific rule instructing them to play I-AA/FCS schools. Additionally FBS schools should be required to play a D-II school to help give the lower division their "share of the pie". Where does it all end?

1-AA you are delusional.   North Dakota State has two wins over quality FCS programs, and beat a ranked Big 10 team on the road, and you call them antiquated?  Then Alabama is antiquated as well.

Nothing wrong with lining up and running over the opponent, which is what they did to Iowa.  When they need to throw they can, and their skilled talent is exceptional.   Good backs and quality wide receivers.

YSU had made the playoffs once in 15 years, and you defend them; but blast the most successful program in the history 1-AA and FCS football.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: YSUFANSINCE1990 on September 19, 2016, 10:33:00 AM ---1-AA you are delusional.   North Dakota State has two wins over quality FCS programs, and beat a ranked Big 10 team on the road, and you call them antiquated?  Then Alabama is antiquated as well.

Nothing wrong with lining up and running over the opponent, which is what they did to Iowa.  When they need to throw they can, and their skilled talent is exceptional.   Good backs and quality wide receivers.

YSU had made the playoffs once in 15 years, and you defend them; but blast the most successful program in the history 1-AA and FCS football.

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You hit the nail on the head. Saban's success is predicated on an outdated style of ball; but really more unique than antiquated. They are good at it, thus their success. Remember, "antiquated" means 'unique'. SO if you feel more comfortable with that choice of term ...feel free. I used the term "antiquated" in describing NDSU's offense because the Bison's style of offense was ata one time, far from unique ...where not too many teams ever ran the ball the way Alabama does. NDSU's run game is even more diverse than Alabama's, but would you be shocked if Alabama beat NDSU 50-12? NO. Would you be shocked if the complete opposite happened? YES. WHY? Exactly what I posted.

In reality, Alabama has an option game that is second to none and NDSU's offense is not even similar.

Furthermore, I do not consider NDSU any better than a number of I-AA/FCS teams "in their day". Examples being UCF, EKU, Marshall, GASouthern, Appalachian State, (possibly even Boise State & Delaware) and yes even YSU. NDSU reminds me the most of Western Kentucky. Teams in the GFC had trouble with their powerful run game (much more like Alabama's), but teams outside of the GFC could not even compete with them in their day ...they easily won the national title and bolted to IA. Guess what? WKU does not run an option out of a triple-back i-formation anymore do they? Yet NDSU does.


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