YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Bobby Morris

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They are also my team, but how do you get them to stop scheduling these poor teams? As nice and approachable as Tressel is, has anybody asked him why we continue to do this? Just wondered.

I guess what bothers me is I guess fans in the stands don't matter. Are we getting more from the corporate side. We must or they wouldn't build loges.  I love my Penguins anybody that knows me I bleed the red and white. But I feel the fans, and even the players are getting screwed with having 2 BS games on the schedule. I have attended every playoff game and championship game I spend bot loads of $$$ alone to just attend and Penguin Club and other events for football.  If I am giving 2500 a yr to support athletics I want to feel we are scheduling the best competition and also create interest for the casual fan as well scheduling.  Basically what is happening we are being used on that second game to pay for the non revenue sports.  So 6 home games and no playoffs I am spending what $400 a game not counting tailgating stuff.  YSU is laughing all the way to the bank on that. 1 game with the Bobby Morris of the world is okay 2 it's fleecing your true fan.  So I guess my 2500 is chump change.    Being in FCS is a sham anyways.  You have some schools spending big bucks then you have the Butlers hardly spending anything the playoffs are even rigged.  When you host or bid on a game you have to give the NCAA 85% of the gate  I think of the gate so you lose money making the playoffs I think I have heard Strollo say it not a money maker at all.  I think Penguinpower is right we need to find a better fit.  CAA would be better for recruiting and traveling. 

Doesn't Ohio State and other big time schools play smaller schools before their conference season starts ?   While RMC  might not spark interest.   playing WVU and the rugged MVC should allow YSU one or two lay downs.

I'm fine with 1 of the NEC schools. But I hate being playing 2. Find another good FCS opponent to play. I'm fine with a home and home.

Ok guys, I am really getting bored with all this talk about finances and ooc scheduling, but I will submit one more thing for you to consider, and then I am done with this topic

The loges have very little to do with football.  They have everything to do with wooing and stroking the egos of the donor class.  Last year, under the leadership of Tressel and Paul McFadden and his staff, the university raised $20 million.  That figure is also the goal for next year.  I cannot prove this, but logically many of the big money people sit in those loges.  Football is just one instrument that the university uses to reach into their pockets.  You may not like this.  I don't like this.  But it is reality.


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