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Bobby Morris

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Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: peteonastick on September 16, 2016, 06:50:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on September 16, 2016, 05:20:16 PM ---I predict most RMU players will reluctantly take the field, although a few will be found clustered in the locker room rocking back and forth in a fetal position and blowing snot bubbles.  A few players from both teams will be later seen at C Staples in the third quarter.

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Just telling you like it is...attended way to many of these games at Stambaugh...it is a perfect storm...the triumvirate of disaster, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost of football conflict - rain, weak opponent, OSU on at 7:30 with OU (Which has the Mooney following to boot)...the three factors that lead to poor attendance.   


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The game is going to be moved to the WATTS.   why should 30 fans get wet?


--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on September 16, 2016, 07:22:05 PM ---
--- Quote from: peteonastick on September 16, 2016, 06:50:16 PM ---
--- Quote from: Penguin Nation on September 16, 2016, 05:20:16 PM ---I predict most RMU players will reluctantly take the field, although a few will be found clustered in the locker room rocking back and forth in a fetal position and blowing snot bubbles.  A few players from both teams will be later seen at C Staples in the third quarter.

--- End quote ---

Just telling you like it is...attended way to many of these games at Stambaugh...it is a perfect storm...the triumvirate of disaster, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost of football conflict - rain, weak opponent, OSU on at 7:30 with OU (Which has the Mooney following to boot)...the three factors that lead to poor attendance.   


--- End quote ---

The game is going to be moved to the WATTS.   why should 30 fans get wet?

--- End quote ---

Haha I like it

Maybe 1,000 in attendance tomorrow. And yes we can, and will blame the opponent.

Ok so here is a suggestion, there are folks on this board that are convinced they have a better understanding of how to run a Division 1 football program then the folks now running it. Better understanding of the costs of running such a program. Better understanding of how to generate funds. Better idea of how to put together a schedule. Hey maybe you do have a better idea. So put that knowledge to work, put the details in writing and present them to the AD, if he does not listen go to JT if he does not listen go to the trustees. If none of them listen let us know. Trust me when I say that I do not have a horse in this race, anything that can improve YSU football I am for.

In the meantime how about we agree to support our team and be upbeat.

Well Guinpen, I thought we had a solution.
Blame the people who follow Ohio State.  Blame the people that follow N.D.
Blame the uneducated football people that follow high school football to re-live their glory days.
Just don't hold anyone accountable for putting out an inferior product.  Heck, we might even be able to get government subsidies for doing such.

OK, sarcasm aside - you have a very valid point.
I know JT reads his mail as I have gotten replies.  The rest...who knows?


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