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YSU Football conference oppenents

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Tell you what guys, I watch alot of football games over and over in this conference and by far YSU, NDS, and SDSU are the 3 best teams. SDSU is the most rounded of the 3. Their Qb, WR's, Rb's, and TE's are just incredible and their offensive line is very similar to our's, but not quite as good. They put up close to 600 yards yesterday in the Fargo Dome, but only managed 19 points. Give credit to the Bison Defense it could of been alot worse because they had 1st and goal 3 times and came away with zero points. SDSU defensively is very sound and they have 2 very good ends and a couple of down lineman that remind me of Savon Smith. One of the best offense's in the nation versus the best defense..I would give anything to be in Brookings for this game


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