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YSU Football conference oppenents

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go guins:

--- Quote from: The YO Show on October 10, 2016, 09:56:08 PM ---No clue... I don't recall seeing fireworks after a home game for a while (with the exception of the few they shoot off at the end of games sometimes).

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No, it's been several years, but I liked them when we did them.  We are in the center of the fireworks industry with Phantom, and only play one night game...........  Whatever. 

Where is 1AA on this?  He has every obscure statistic on everything YSU.  I'd expect him to list the YSU record in games with and without fireworks!

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: go guins on October 11, 2016, 10:03:30 AM ---
--- Quote from: The YO Show on October 10, 2016, 09:56:08 PM ---No clue... I don't recall seeing fireworks after a home game for a while (with the exception of the few they shoot off at the end of games sometimes).

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No, it's been several years, but I liked them when we did them.  We are in the center of the fireworks industry with Phantom, and only play one night game...........  Whatever. 

Where is 1AA on this?  He has every obscure statistic on everything YSU.  I'd expect him to list the YSU record in games with and without fireworks!

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I was on it already. The issue is the development of WATTS and the fact that they had to move the handicapped parking. They say that we have no room to do it. I suggested to Zambelli that they use one of fireworks trailers that I have seen in the road beside the Ice Castle. That was at a basketball game just last year. The issue that I see is still parking. That would spray dust and coal on the mixed faculty lot by the ticket entrance. I suspect that the change to Phantom and the fact that Zambelli has become a major player in the world stage has a lot to do with it.

Penguin Nation:
Probably twice as far as the WATTS, but Ursuline has a practice field on the north side of its "campus."  Lots of leverage in negotiating with them since their home FB games are at Stambaugh.  I would think if you launch there its still close enough for a good show.  The school's insured in case it burns down.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on October 11, 2016, 04:58:57 PM ---
--- Quote from: go guins on October 11, 2016, 10:03:30 AM ---
--- Quote from: The YO Show on October 10, 2016, 09:56:08 PM ---No clue... I don't recall seeing fireworks after a home game for a while (with the exception of the few they shoot off at the end of games sometimes).

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No, it's been several years, but I liked them when we did them.  We are in the center of the fireworks industry with Phantom, and only play one night game...........  Whatever. 

Where is 1AA on this?  He has every obscure statistic on everything YSU.  I'd expect him to list the YSU record in games with and without fireworks!

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I was on it already. The issue is the development of WATTS and the fact that they had to move the handicapped parking. They say that we have no room to do it. I suggested to Zambelli that they use one of fireworks trailers that I have seen in the road beside the Ice Castle. That was at a basketball game just last year. The issue that I see is still parking. That would spray dust and coal on the mixed faculty lot by the ticket entrance. I suspect that the change to Phantom and the fact that Zambelli has become a major player in the world stage has a lot to do with it.

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Please never again fireworks. I hate fireworks. I sit on the east side, I park on the east side of the stadium, the last time they shot off fireworks they did not allow us to go to our cars, police kept us in the little parking area right outside the stadium. Had to stand there until the fireworks were finished, I hate fireworks, by the time we got to the car we smelled like we had been at the Little Bighorn, car smelled like gun smoke . I hate fireworks.

go guins:

--- Quote ---
I was on it already. The issue is the development of WATTS and the fact that they had to move the handicapped parking. They say that we have no room to do it. I suggested to Zambelli that they use one of fireworks trailers that I have seen in the road beside the Ice Castle. That was at a basketball game just last year. The issue that I see is still parking. That would spray dust and coal on the mixed faculty lot by the ticket entrance. I suspect that the change to Phantom and the fact that Zambelli has become a major player in the world stage has a lot to do with it.

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I knew we could count on you to have the answers!  I certainly recognize the change in space with the WATTS, and given a choice, WATTS or fireworks, it's definitely WATTS, but I think there has to be a way.  The Indians are right downtown, with no open area to speak of and they have fireworks all the time.


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