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Trib Today YSU Coverage

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IAA Fan:
Montgomery would make any call in that area. So let's not get ahead of ourselves. I have some serious questions about Ricky's ability to look off targets and put some accurate power in his pass, but then again this is only his second game. Trent may be the guy; but I tell you, that is not the first INT he has thrown. Let the staff do their jobs. You have to admit, with improvement in special teams, there is reason to grow more and more confident about all 3 of these coordinators.


--- Quote from: IAA Fan on September 11, 2016, 07:20:29 PM ---Montgomery would make any call in that area. So let's not get ahead of ourselves. I have some serious questions about Ricky's ability to look off targets and put some accurate power in his pass, but then again this is only his second game. Trent may be the guy; but I tell you, that is not the first INT he has thrown. Let the staff do their jobs. You have to admit, with improvement in special teams, there is reason to grow more and more confident about all 3 of these coordinators.

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I don't have much confidence in their abilities after Pelini said we need to coach better, there were ZERO half time adjustments, and the kids said they followed the game plan.  Looks like it was a half assed game plan if you ask me.  We never adjusted when they went cover 3 and as a result the offense stalled in Q3 and stayed that way until they put in their backups.  That was as poorly coached on offense and defense as I've seen in some time.  Certainly doesn't give me hope.

I say that Hosick is probably better as he has more zip on the ball, but he's probably still trying to learn the offense and playbook.  I will say it should be easy for him to do because we ran only about 6 different plays.

We are talking about Montgomery here. He gets out coached in every single big game. No adjustments.

Montgomery doesn't have the power and say he did when Wolf was here and Bo is much more involved with the offense this year then last. I to was upset with the lack of adjustment's by the staff. West Virginia made them and the depth issues and weather can't be all to blame for the poor second half Bo even said that himself. To be tied at half after giving up 329 yards of offense to W.V. is really remarkable when you think of it. The coaches in the Missouri our great at the game of chess we need to be to!!

go guins:

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A legend ? Jesus. Relax! Played vs subs on a WVU defense....

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I was thinking the same thing! IF and it's a big IF, he lead us to a come from behind victory, maybe, but he threw an INT not a couple TD's!  That being said, he did look good.  Posed and agressive. 


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