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Trib Today YSU Coverage

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IAA Fan:
Bull crap, we got a TD pass and a long drive off a drop because the stayed in cover zero. Who called those BO? They never went cover 3 the first 2 series against us. As for the QB getting hurt with the run ...I could not agree more.  BTW when did I say "no" changes could be made and we could not improve? Monty does not "walk on water" but he is a damn fine OC. I have not seen one better at Stambaugh Stadium.

His game plan Saturday was to hold on to the ball as long as possible and try to execute. It worked very well and you have to be impressed with both Davis and Hosick for showing the poise in command.

IAA Fan:
I also might remind you of the nice slant pass calls off the right side to compensate for the WVU defenses; which really led to that nice wheel route for a TD. Again Baily ...you are going to see a flag come League play so let's cut out the gestures.

I recall the tv guys commenting at halftime that Shane was calling a good game, seems someone noticed.

After watching the game a second time, I don't think our receivers ran very sharp routes with the exception of the TE's.  Not sure any of the QB's could overcome that.  Ricky had time to throw, but they kept a spy on him to cover the run.
Any word on Hunter's shoulder or Brock's foot?

Brock wont be back until after the bye week.


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