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Trib Today YSU Coverage

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Penguin Nation:
you Trent deniers will be the first ones calling for his HOF induction.  :D  Certainly we'll see him play next week against RMHS, but even Justin Beiber would shine as our QB next week.  The USD game, IMO, will be where we play both and decide who will start thereafter.

Bobby Mo is really bad this year.  They scored the first time the touched the ball this year and THAT'S IT!  It should be a good week to get some backups in the game... try some new things... and get totally healthy.  I had heard Ricky Davis got banged up a bit at WVU.  Anybody else hear that or can confirm.  He needs to be healthy going into USD game.  I bet we see Hunter against Bobby Mo if he is healthy... heck maybe even Nathan Mays.  We can hope... right?  #goguins

Penguin Nation:
Ruiz was re-injured during the RMU game last year, and he wasn't the same the rest of the season. If Ricky is still hurt Saturday, no way he should take snaps.  Let Trent start, and when the lead allows, let Nathan have some fun.  There is no utility of having Wells take snaps unless Nathan bombs....against RMU....which would be ridiculous.

It sounds like Ricky sustained bruised ribs in the game. I didn't watch the game just listened to it. I have know idea how many subs were in the game when Hosick took the field. W.V. I'm sure was laid back just wanting to run clock in that stage of the game and keep everything in front of them. My biggest question is when did Ricky's injury occur and what changed with him and the offense from the first half to the third quarter. If this staff can't make a decision on just one quarterback for the S.D. game at this stage of the season then we have problems

Ricky did hurt his ribs on a shot early in the game.


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