YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics


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go guins:
We look like we are prancing around in the white pants.  We are supposed to be a blue collar, tough, powderful team and we are prancing around in white pants.  Thought we were going red over red?

The YO Show:
I myself wondered what happened to the red out??? Thought they showed a few players with the all red uniform and stated we were doing that for the home opener... and then we didn't lol.

IAA Fan:
I can wait until we win the conference for black pants. Get to it Guins ...I want to be back in black!

go guins:
Wish we had some Nike money.  I'd love a chrome helmet with a red Y on it and black over black with red numbers and stripes and black shoes.  Same for Red chrome and a black Y with red over red pants, black numbers and stripes and red shoes.  I should be fashion coordinator to go with Shane Ron and Carl!

The YO Show:
I like both of those ideas Go! I support your running for fashion coordinator  ;D


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