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Duquesne VS. YSU

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IAA Fan:
Okay Nation :)

Oh so if we hire Bo Pelini it is Tressel's hire ...but if we hire Hood it is Strollo's hire? LOL. So the process is different if you are famous? "hey let me know if you are (or are not) a well-known IA/FBS coach and I will determine who talks to you".

LOL. FYI, Strollo hired Pelini. Tressel has so little do with sports you would not believe. There is process in place that is the same no matter what. FYI Hood is a very good coach; which is why he is Assistant Head Coach in FBS right now.

So tell me something. in 1985, the three finalists to replace Narduzzi were:
1. Jim Tressel: Position coach at OhioState.
2. Gerry Faust: Former Head Coach of Notre Dame
3. Sam Rutigliano: Former Head Coach of the Cleveland Browns

Which one would you have hired?

Penguin Nation:
JT is so uninvolved that he flew to Lincoln to meet with BP?

Hood is so good that EKU fired him?

I'll just put this here:

"..Tressel was a big reason why he took the job, wants to learn a lot from him, since he has an understanding of how to coach on this level"


Interesting fact: Hood had a worse record (at an inferior program) than the Wolf had at YSU for the two years preceding the hire.  Strollo was literally ready to hire a downgrade from the guy we were firing.

Ok, the season has started, the weather was great, student section was really good, team played good albeit a few too many flags, we won by a bunch, oh yeah we beat a PLAYOFF team from last year, and yet negativity.

I think we looked good,  but we will see soon enough.  I cannot believe that Bobby Morris lost to a weak D2 team, won the turnover margin, a d only mustered something like 169 yards of offense.  We are going to crush them and it isn't going to help us.

IAA Fan:

--- Quote from: penguinpower on September 02, 2016, 05:44:36 PM ---I think we looked good,  but we will see soon enough.  I cannot believe that Bobby Morris lost to a weak D2 team, won the turnover margin, a d only mustered something like 169 yards of offense.  We are going to crush them and it isn't going to help us.

--- End quote ---

So an increase in the "W" column does not help?


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