YSU Penguin Athletics > YSU Penguin Athletics

Duquesne VS. YSU

<< < (6/13) > >>

YSU 20
DUQ 10

We aren't overlooking anyone, but Duquesne isn't a terrible squad either. Go Guins

Gut feeling is Ricky comes out 1st series, but then they start rotating and get Hunter in as well.

From everything I've read and have been told by the folks, I'd be quite surprised if Ricky Davis is not the starter tonight...

On a side note Jerry Schmitt head coach of Duquesne has just been awarded a 5 year contract extension and the Dukes will be playing at Hawaii in 2018..and if they weren't excited enough to be playing us tonight they probably are now

Penguin Nick:
I absolutely love college football, it's like the return of an old friend.  Looking forward to seeing old tailgate friends tonight, most of whom I have not seen since November.  If YSU has any shot at WVU, we really need to blow Duquesne out but I think the game is going to be close, YSU 31-24.


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