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Duquesne VS. YSU

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16-7 for the Y-town AllReds

Duquesne has 12 FBS transfers, including 3 from Penn State and 1 each from Ohio State, Pitt, West Virginia, and Arizona.  This is not the non-scholarship program that we played years ago.  I just hope that the team is taking this game much more seriously than some fans.

The good thing is that they have never played against a defense that is as good as ours.  It will be interesting to see how much Pelini has changed the culture in the past year.  We better not see players just going through the motions because of a perceived inferior opponent.

The YO Show:
Despite my prediction, there is a good part of me that feels this game could be close, which is why I said don't knock Duquense they played William and Mary hard. I think the players realize this is going to be a good team though Wick. After all, I remember Rivers said they were a challenge just like it would be opening up to an FBS team or something. So hopefully, the other players feel the same way. If Pelini was right in saying he feels that we have come a long way culturally as a team over the last year, then hopefully all the players take this game seriously and are ready.

chief, I see you downgraded your prediction for margin of victory in comparison to AGS.


--- Quote from: The YO Show on August 31, 2016, 06:25:16 PM ---Despite my prediction, there is a good part of me that feels this game could be close, which is why I said don't knock Duquense they played William and Mary hard. I think the players realize this is going to be a good team though Wick. After all, I remember Rivers said they were a challenge just like it would be opening up to an FBS team or something. So hopefully, the other players feel the same way. If Pelini was right in saying he feels that we have come a long way culturally as a team over the last year, then hopefully all the players take this game seriously and are ready.

chief, I see you downgraded your prediction for margin of victory in comparison to AGS.

--- End quote ---

Hahaha yes I did. After some serious thought. Dukes are going to give us a game.


--- Quote from: Wick250 on August 31, 2016, 06:08:24 PM ---Duquesne has 12 FBS transfers, including 3 from Penn State and 1 each from Ohio State, Pitt, West Virginia, and Arizona.  This is not the non-scholarship program that we played years ago.  I just hope that the team is taking this game much more seriously than some fans.

The good thing is that they have never played against a defense that is as good as ours.  It will be interesting to see how much Pelini has changed the culture in the past year.  We better not see players just going through the motions because of a perceived inferior opponent.

--- End quote ---
Great post Wick, I would love if every player took your message to bed with them tonight. 12 FBS transfers just blows my mind and I'm having a hard time comprehending it. They did play against Buffalo a few years ago and their upset bid just fell short. They will be be ready, we need to set the tone early and not let up..My pick 34-17 Good Guys..I know that sounds like a ton of points for our offense compared to other predictions, but I have my reasons why


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