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The fact that W.V. opens with Missouri and we open up with Duquesne on a Thursday and have 8 days before the game will be huge for us

The YO Show:
If the guins managed to beat the mountaineers, I would say that would be a pretty good start to the season, and a very awesome upset. Here's hoping  8)

You guys know how much I hate these blood games, but at least the position on the schedule is as favorable as possible.  Remember how awful we played against Robert Morris after our strong effort at Pittsburgh?  WVU could fall into that same trap.  We should all hope for their resounding victory over Missouri, so that they will be focused squarely upon BYU.  Worst case scenario for us is if they play poorly against Missouri.

go guins:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on July 15, 2016, 07:16:09 PM ---You guys know how much I hate these blood games, but at least the position on the schedule is as favorable as possible.  Remember how awful we played against Robert Morris after our strong effort at Pittsburgh?  WVU could fall into that same trap.  We should all hope for their resounding victory over Missouri, so that they will be focused squarely upon BYU.  Worst case scenario for us is if they play poorly against Missouri.

--- End quote ---
I was thinking the exact same thing. 
However, I'm more worried about our OL


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