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Countdown to 2016 FB Season!

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As fans, we want the best possible players on the field at all times, and we really do not care too much where they came from.  The problem here is that the players are not robots but rather young men.  As Fever noted, too many transfers do cause tension and perhaps factions inside the locker room.  That is always a bad thing.  Fortunately we should have enough veteran coaches that can manage the balancing act between talent acquisition and team chemistry.

I care deeply for the culture of this program. Most programs have issues, but let's face it we have more serious ones then most. The talent is here to win without question. I really think last last year's record was a direct result of some culture issue's with players and some mental lapses by the staff and not necessarily a direct result of lack of talent. All of the talent in the world with players and coaches means absolutely  nothing unless your team is unified. First and foremost we need to find our identity and go from there. Coach P is fully aware of this and he is working hard to get this program turned around

Penguin Nation:
Talent and skill does not always progress over a collegiate career.  I think everyone would agree that #6 had a better Freshman year than Sophomore year w/o injuries to blame.  I'd say the same for Hess also, but not as extreme of an example.  Hess threw a pick 6 in the Fargodome that I thought changed him as a player.  Hess's first game versus Penn State I thought was one of his best games.  Stubbornly keeping #6 as the starter last year truly limited the offense last season.

Better players should play at any point during the season, or even a game, for any reason.  A life lesson....NO ONE OWES YOU SH--.  May as well learn it in college.  It is ridiculous to bench a standout because there is a more senior player.  Imagine the waste of talent and experience wasted.  My understanding is that heacock chose seniority over talent, and we all know the results of that.

Competition is always good.  Entitlement is never good.

When I read a year ago a player say they didn't play hard late in the season (under Wolf) because it was cold, I couldn't believe it.  This is FB, not the on-campus safe-space hug room. It sounds like there were, and maybe still are, a few chats the coaches need to have with the players.

Statistically speaking #6 would have had a much better year in 15 then 14 if anyone had bothered to catch the ball. Very hard to go through any of your progressions and reads when you have a makeshift line that can't block. It won't matter who the quarterback is this year if we can't catch and remain healthy up front

go guins:

--- Quote from: Wick250 on July 27, 2016, 02:36:55 PM ---As fans, we want the best possible players on the field at all times, and we really do not care too much where they came from.  The problem here is that the players are not robots but rather young men.  As Fever noted, too many transfers do cause tension and perhaps factions inside the locker room.  That is always a bad thing.  Fortunately we should have enough veteran coaches that can manage the balancing act between talent acquisition and team chemistry.

--- End quote ---
I disagree with some of this.  You don't always want the best on the field.  1. You need to develop young players and game action is the only real way to do that.  2. What about fatigue?  Sometimes a lesser but fresher player may be more effective.
I do NOT believe too many transfers cause friction.  You have 80-100 guys total in a program.  Anybody think they are all going to get along?  Some may be transfers, but let's say I'm a senior linebacker and you bring in a freshman stud and I loose time.  Some guys may work harder, some will b****.  They are, as you correctly point out, not robots but young men.  I also disagree and think some tension in the locker room can be a GOOD thing.  If directed to better performance, I'm all for a little competition and edginess!


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