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Countdown to 2016 FB Season!

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Penguin Nation:

--- Quote from: penguinpower on August 23, 2016, 10:48:36 PM ---
--- Quote from: The YO Show on August 23, 2016, 10:07:18 PM ---Something about the article doesn't sound right... it states

"Neither had a criminal record before they were arrested in May after a university police officer heard gunfire and saw a car drive away from the sound of the gunfire. The officer followed the car and searched it and found a semiautomatic handgun in the trunk. Reports said Mitchell admitted to firing the gun, and the gun belonged to Wright. "

Then further on it says

 "When he was sentenced, Judge Kobly asked Mitchell why he had a gun in the car, and Mitchell said he forgot it was in the car. Mitchell said he got the gun in South Carolina and wanted to get a concealed-carry permit in Ohio. Cassese said Mitchell comes from a rough neighborhood and wanted the gun for protection when he was home."

So... how did Wright own the weapon if Mitchell got it in South Carolina???

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You can buy guns in Ohio and in South Carolina without a permit or registration.  I suggest that if you are a gun owner NEVER register the gun because if someone takes it from you, at a minimum you have some liability in the matter.  Never register the gun as it will protect you.  The only time it must be registered is if you buy it "NEW" from a dealer.  The best way is to buy it unregistered from a dealer/private owner unused.  Registered guns are used to track and take it from you.  I have many many firearms. Break onto my house and you've got problem.  None of them registered, all legal.  When the US government passes laws against citizens that have firearms they could take yours as they do in other countries.  Take a history course if you do not understand.....you will see.  Talk to people in other countries..you will see.  I am a military veteran and I follow the laws and understand the significance of what I am stating.  While those kids were acting irresponsibly and need to mature, 100 years ago it would be an issue but no big deal....just a group of dumb kids.

This wont make sense to many but perhaps a few

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Penguin Power is the man! Post of the year material right here ^^^^

The Second Amendment protects the other nine.  If you think gun confiscation in the USA is a conspiracy theory, read about New Orleans post-Katrina.

I too protect my family with various implements.  If you are going to break in my house (highly unwise FYI), do it in the room with only a 9mm, and do not do it in the room with Bessie (my 12 gauge Remington)...you do not want to be double tapped in the chest by Bessie.  What? I'm not home but my wife is?  Now you really messed up.  You do not go in mama bear's den.  She's twice as accurate on a bad day.  This all assuming of course, that the dogs weren't hungry (or worse hangry) at the time.

The YO Show:
7 days!  fb
Just 1 week away!  ;D

Wow it appears we can start a well regulated militia just among those who discuss YSU football.

So any interest in the game or what? For some reason I'm just not as excited as I usually am for the season to get under way. I'm tired of playing the same few teams that really don't seem to provide any benefit to the program outside of home game revenue.

I am NOT going to WVU that place is a hell hole on football Saturdays. Prepare to be sworn at, maybe spit at or worse. Think twice about taking a kid and don't wander off alone. Or maybe conceal carry why not?

go guins:

--- Quote from: HappyPenguin on August 25, 2016, 09:27:35 AM ---Wow it appears we can start a well regulated militia just among those who discuss YSU football.

So any interest in the game or what? For some reason I'm just not as excited as I usually am for the season to get under way. I'm tired of playing the same few teams that really don't seem to provide any benefit to the program outside of home game revenue.

I am NOT going to WVU that place is a hell hole on football Saturdays. Prepare to be sworn at, maybe spit at or worse. Think twice about taking a kid and don't wander off alone. Or maybe conceal carry why not?

--- End quote ---

I think you are being unfair to WVU fans.  This has nothing to do with football, it's that way in WVa every day.  They have no jobs, wellfare has run out, the only way they survive is robbing Yankees!

Did you know the toothbrush was invented in WVa?  Know how you can tell?  If it had been invented in Ohio, it would have been called a teethbrush.

The YO Show:
6 days


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