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Countdown to 2016 FB Season!

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--- Quote from: ysuguins4 on August 15, 2016, 12:26:02 PM ---Who had most of the reps at 1st team center?  Any serious injuries so far in camp?

--- End quote ---

Vitas Hrynkiewicz.

I really hope they let the best performing QB start, and not worry about proving they picked the right guy last year due to their own ego.

As professional coaches I don't really think this is a valid concern. Makes good chat room material though.

I was just wondering if Harvin played in the scrimmage.. haven't heard his name lately

go guins:
 You guys are all sports fans, so I assume you have all heard the Allan Iverson triad against "practice, you're talking about practice?"  Yes, players make improvements year to year, and I don’t doubt Ricky Davis has improved, but he was a strong armed guy with terrible accuracy last year, and leopards don’t usually change their spots.  He may be better, and I hope he is the next great thing at YSU, but it’s still just “practice.”   Every report says Wells is much stronger and looking better this year too. 
Question is, who is getting the most reps with the #1s? 

Wells is not looking better from what I hear... Looks about the same. Davis has improved, Hosick a dark horse if he can pick up the offense well enough and make some throws. Mays also looking good. Young, but talented.


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