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Countdown to 2016 FB Season!

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Thanks for that info Fan. I really like Mays alot , but just can't see him becoming a starter untill his junior season even tho he will be ready before then. A few questions I have for you, did we throw to our tight ends today? How many passing attempts did Hosick have? Who dropped the Wells TD pass in the endzone? Seeing that Wells had 10 attempts today tells me alot. I think the pieces are being put into place for a 2 system quarterback this season

I think Davis will be the starter week 1

IAA Fan:
You know I am not sure Fever, probably McCaster or Patterson if it was a receiver. I do not remember it, but I have some pics, I will check it out. Almost nothing to TE's. I was talking with a couple of the admin about that very thing. Kind of typical Monty, bring around a WR. I donlt remember anything to Shane or Jacob; clearly we have solid skill there. There was a very nice fake though, that play is what broke Hosick for the TD. They ran it a couple of times and it worked both of them. Don't read too much into Wells, throwing, but you could be right on the money with the 2 QBs. Wells was all arm and Hosick was almost all legs. Davis and Mays were balanced.

Mays only had 2 series out of the 10. My fear is always losing him. He really has something to give, but I cannot tell if he has more passing skills than pattern passes. On ground work, Mays lacks some of the ball finesse of Wells; he is still very deliberate, but I think that is lack of experience. However he does move the offense and knows when to pull the back out of the TB's hands ...as does Hosick.


--- Quote from: ytownchief22 on August 13, 2016, 08:44:12 PM ---I think Davis will be the starter week 1

--- End quote ---
After the offense struggled early, Shane brought all the QB's together on the sideline while the KO team was on the field, and I heard a large group of players on the sidelines say "we need to give this thing to Ricky and go". Ricky didn't hear them but he went out next series and drove the team down for the TD. Below are the tweets and thoughts of all the QB's from the Vindy reporter on the sideline Charles Grove...

At #YSU's scrimmage, Hunter Wells' first drive ends in a punt after getting just past midfield. @YSUsports @vindicator
Trent Hosick's drive ends in 3 and out while Ricky Davis gets a 1st with his feet before his drive fizzles. #YSU @vindicator
Hunter Wells throws high on 3rd and 8 and it's another 3 and out. Offense getting frustrated. #YSU @vindicator
Mays at QB does no better. He gets sacked on 3rd and long. Offense looks confused. #YSU @vindicator
#YSU offense got a few 1sts with Davis. One on a nice pass to Townsend. @vindicator
Mays gets a TD after a long drive that Pelini kept moving forward after a couple of penalties. Raised offenses spirits at least. @vindicator
Hosick just took an option keeper up the middle virtually untouched for a 75 yard TD. @vindicator #YSU
Hosick less effective his next drive. Him and Scott weren't on the same page on 3rd down and drive sputters out. #YSU @vindicator
Wells takes a sack on 3rd and very long. Offense hasn't done much with him at the helm today. #YSU @vindicator
#YSU now working on special teams, punt and kickoff returns. @vindicator
Davis takes 1st team offense down field and hits Patterson from about 35 yards for a TD. Best drive of the day by far. #YSU @vindicator
Tevin McCaster was the tailback the entire drive and had a nice catch in the flat where he broke 2 defenders as well. #YSU @vindicator
Wells leads 1st team offense into the redzone against 2nd defense but drive stalls and #YSU takes a FG. @vindicator
Tevin McCaster looked outstanding today. He's 3rd on running back depth chart. Plenty of depth for #YSU @vindicator @YSUsports

IAA Fan:
I must be getting McCaster and Alessi confused, but I saw #30 ...not 37.


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